The Ultimate Conn College Bucket List

Another year at Conn is well on its way, and whether its your first or your last, it’ll be over before you know it. Get a head start on making the most of the Conn College experience with these ten things to add to your college bucket list this year!
1. Make the Granola Surprise in Harris.
The Granola Surprise consists of bananas, granola, peanut butter, honey, and cinnamon. It looks like poop, but it taste like sweet goodness.
2. See the sunrise on Tempel Green.
There is nothing more beautiful than seeing the sun touch the edge of the ocean from the top of Tempel Green.
3. Go to a CGA (Coast Guard Academy) Dance.
Not many people can say that they’ve been to a dance funded by taxpayers.
4. Beer Mile on Silfen Track.
It’s not one of the most pleasant experiences at Conn College, but it’s something that you can brag about to your friends.
5. Run the Floralia 5K Fun Run.
Test your endurance, while having a blast running with your friends. P.S. They throw colored powder at you, which is hella fun.
6. Eat everything at Paul’s Pasta.
I guarantee you won’t regret it. Their food is to die for.
7. Ride a camel.
This legendary beast can only truly be conquered by Conn Coll students.
8. See an a cappella group perform.
Co Co Beaux, Conn Chords, and many others are like candy for the ears when hearing them sing.
9. Go streaking on Tempel Green.
Booty booty booty rocking everywhere.
10. Have a picnic in the arboretum.
You are bound to see a broad spectrum of colors when surrounded by such beautiful foliage.