The Ultimate Checklist For Plymouth State Freshmen

Being a freshman can be hard; you don’t know what you’re doing and it can be scary. We’ve all been there and had our doubts. Though college is ultimately for learning and getting your degree, you need to have fun and take care of yourself as well. Here is the ultimate checklist for Plymouth State freshmen!
1. Get to know your advisor and department head.
You will be spending a lot of time with them for the next four years, so it’s smart for Plymouth State freshmen to get to know them early on.
2. Find your club.
PSU has dozens and dozens of clubs, from cheerleading, newspaper, psychology, etc. You should try a few and then decided which one (or more!) is your fit.
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3. Try an exercise class – they’re all free!
Right in the Hub, you can find a huge bulletin board with all of the exercise classes that PSU has to offer. They have everything from Zumba to yoga to kickboxing.
4. Stop and admire the view right outside the dining hall.
It is seriously so beautiful wherever you are on the PSU campus, but my favorite is right outside the dining hall. You can see mountains for miles, and it’s breathtaking.
5. Try something (safe) that you haven’t done before.
This could be skiing, kayaking, or even a dance class.
6. Take a picture with Robert Frost.
This statue is important to PSU students, because it offers such a great photo opportunity.
7. Participate in Ski Day!
This is a PSU tradition! Classes are canceled all day and the entire school goes skiing. There are lessons available that day, too, if you don’t know how to ski.
8. Get to know the off-campus shops and local restaurants in downtown Plymouth.
There are several, and some of the restaurants even take PSU FlexCash!
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9. Take some time for yourself.
College can get busy. Taking time for yourself is important. Go for a walk and enjoy the beautiful view of Plymouth, and you will feel refreshed.
10. Don’t be afraid to be yourself.
This goes for any college/university student! Being yourself is the most important thing you can do.