Your Ultimate Back To Uni Shopping List

So you’ve had nice relaxing break and feel replenished and ready to succeed! Make the transition from holiday back to halls quick and simple with this ultimate back to Uni shopping list.
1. Notebooks
These are an obvious must but buying one for each module is a sure way to boost organisation and keeping your notes separate and in order. Don’t forget to date your work, this helps substantially when it comes down to essay writing time.
2. Folder (Masterfile)
A giant master folder for each semester is a great way to keep all of your hand-outs and notes in one place. Don’t worry, you don’t need to carry this back and forth to Uni. Just keep it for your eyes only and take out the stuff you need.
3. Dividers
If you have a big folder, dividers are essential. Separate your notes by each module. I can’t tell you how much this saved my life when I have multiple essays due in at the same time. Keep an extra section at the back labelled ‘other’ for any misfit hand-outs.
4. Pens, pencils, highlighters…
Buy enough writing equipment to last you the semester. Take into account that we all have that one friend who borrows a pen and never gives it back. The last thing you’re going to want to think about when your stressed with exams is whether you have enough pens. Trust me, buy in bulk and it will never be an issue.
5. Diary
Make sure you have a diary that is up to date. We all know that Uni is about time management. Get a diary that allows you to plan your classes, finances, food shopping and social life all in one space. Colour-code the different engagements to keep on top of your busy life.
Are you ready to put together your Uni shopping list? Let us know in the comment section below!
*This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.