10 Signs You Should Book A One Way Ticket Abroad This Summer

Ever since I began travelling around the world in my teenage years, taking in the sights and smells of different countries and meeting new people going about their lives, I have often come across British expats who tell me how and why they left the British shores for a new life abroad (usually in the sun!) and that they are happier than ever since moving. It got me wondering whether I would one day consider moving or spending a summer abroad. As this is something you may currently be contemplating, I compiled a list of 10 signs that you should book a one-way ticket abroad this summer to help you out!
1. You’re bored of your current situation
Possibly the number one reason that people have given me for why they moved abroad is that they felt they had hit a dead end in their life situation; they felt uninspired, unhappy and bored. They had tried taking up new hobbies, new sports and jetted off on plush holidays to re-energise and return with a fresh perspective, but often this failed. In the end, they found the best way to remedy their boredom was by going on a permanent holiday, by moving abroad to one of the wonderful locations that they had fallen in love with whilst holidaying in the past.
2. You want to experience a new culture
If like me, you are someone who is intrigued by different beliefs, languages and cultures, the easiest way to learn about them and even better, immerse yourself in them, is to move abroad. Yes, a two-week holiday may be great to see some sights a get a small taste of local life, but you’re more likely to be hauled into the tourist attractions despite your best efforts. The best way to truly experience the culture is to move. Who knows, you may even pick up the local dialect while you’re there!
3. You feel you could access better job opportunities abroad
So many of the expats I have spoken to told me that one of their main motivations for moving abroad was better work opportunities and with it, a better standard of living that allows them to do all the things they’ve always wanted; from going on lavish holidays to driving plush cars and eating at refined restaurants. If your current pay check just isn’t cutting the bill, perhaps it’s time to raise the stakes and find your dream job abroad.
4. You feel there is nothing left for you in your current location
If you’ve just had a horrible breakup, a family tragedy, finished university or lost your job; perhaps it’s time to move forward in an unconventional, unique way. Why not think about setting off with a one-way ticket and starting over? You’ll have the benefit of a blank canvas and the luxury of reinventing yourself and your life.
5. You want to live an exciting life
How do you imagine looking back at your life in the future? Are you worried you might look back and see missed opportunities or a life of ? If you, like myself are an experience junkie and want to live your best life, an exciting summer or move abroad may be the best thing for you. That’ll certainly be a unique experience of a lifetime to look back at with joy!
6. You want to become more independent
Being blanketed by the comforts that come with being surrounded by family and friends, you may feel you’re being smothered in your home town and would like the opportunity to spread your wings, or you may simply have been given an opportunity to study abroad for a term whilst at University. Whatever the case, living abroad for a summer is the best opportunity to fly the nest and delve into full-fledged adulthood. Whilst living abroad, you will be faced with many challenges, from paying your own rent and bills, to cooking your own food every night (the horror!), while trying to navigate your way through a new environment. Although this experience will be difficult, perhaps even lonely at times without the constant support of family and friends, it will also be extremely rewarding as it will help you to build your confidence and your all-important independence.
7. You want to leave your comfort zone
It is easy to become overly comfortable somewhere you have spent a large part of your life. This becomes your safe zone, your comfort blanket, so much so that you may even be frightened of getting out there and exploring the big wide world. But this is exactly why you should do it! Break through the confines of your comfort zone, book that ticket and go out there and experience new things – life is too short to be frightened!
8. You are intrigued by a particular country
If you have always been intrigued by a particular country, whether it’s sunny Spain, exotic India or dapper Dubai; perhaps somewhere you visited and fell in love with as a child, or the place where you experienced your first kiss during a summer romance, or even somewhere you haven’t yet visited but love the idea of, consider following your heart and finally make the move!
9. You want to find love
If after years of dating and searching for ‘the one’, whether it be at school, university or work, and you’re tired of using up time and energy with no result, it may be worth changing your game plan. If Mr Right hasn’t yet appeared to you in your home town, maybe it’s time to broaden the pool of men you’re exposed to; move abroad, make plenty of friends and date new people – who knows, you may just bump into the love of your life!
10. You love to travel and move around
If a nomadic lifestyle exploring sensational sea shores, exotic jungles and exciting cities is something that appeals to you, why not indulge in it? Pack your bags and head off into the sunset for your adventure of a lifetime! Alternatively, if you simply have a passion for travel and want to see the world, booking that one-way ticket to a new destination may just be the place to start!