Rome: the Eternal City – romantic and mysterious. It’s with no doubt one of the most fascinating cities in Italy and in the whole world. If you were born and raised in Rome like I was, you are surely proud to come from such a historical and beautiful city. Here are all the things you will relate to if you are from Rome!
If you are from Rome, when people ask you where you come from, you usually can’t help yourself but saying “well, from the most beautiful city in the world: Rome”. Romans can sometimes be quite arrogant, I have to admit it, but I can also assure you they would be more than happy to show you around the city, in order to prove that it really is the most beautiful city in the world.
A Roman’s relationship with their city is always of love and hate. If you live or have lived in Rome, you are truly in love with the city, but you can also see its flaws and all of the things that are wrong with it. Romans usually complain about traffic jams, but they are still able to remain speechless in front of the Coliseum.
If you come from Rome, you’ll know that the narrow streets of the city centre, which are famous around the world, were built using particular stones, called Sampietrini. During ancient times, these stones were taken and used as weapons, thrown against all possible enemies.
This is something that you’ll have experienced especially if you’ve lived abroad: people that have never been to Rome often ask you if you’ve ever seen the Pope wandering about the streets of Rome.
Summers in Rome are ridiculously hot, so, if you live in Rome, you try to escape from the city in July and August. Some Romans don’t leave Rome even then, and go to the seaside in Ostia or Fregene, just a few kilometres out of the city, or take day trips to beautiful villages in Lazio where the weather is less hot.
Rome was built on seven hills and if you are from Rome, you’ll definitely be able to name them all. Let us know in the comments below if you can list all of the seven hills!
Since Rome is usually very busy, it is really common among teenagers to have a moped to go to school or to hang out with friends.
If you’re from Rome, you surely know how to cook pasta alla carbonara. It’s a very popular pasta dish, typical of the Roman region, prepared with eggs, pecorino cheese and a particular kind of bacon (guanciale or pancetta).
Romans abroad will know how it feels to be away from their city for too long. The city has such a romantic and languid vibe that is impossible to find anywhere else. If you are from Rome, you know you’ll never find another city like the one you grew up in. Some of us try to escape, but they’ll always feel a strong affection for Rome. No matter how far you’ll go, Rome will always feel like home.
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