Wondering What To Wear On A Casual First Date? We’ve Got You Covered

There are few things as stressful as first dates, and personally, I’d rather sit through three days of back-to-back exams than go on one. But, alas – go on them you must. Because, you know, not spending the rest of your life alone and all that. As a student, the chances of the spot for this faithful first date having a dress code are minimal – casualness is key. Can I go in what I’ve been wearing most days, or should I make a bit more of an effort than usual? Or will it just look really weird if I dress up? Is it going to look weirder if I don’t? Am I overthinking things? Yes. So, in an attempt to assuage those first-date outfit panics, here are some casual first date outfit ideas!
1) Pub Date
Chances are if you’re going on a first date in Glasgow, you’ll be going to Inn Deep. And chances are if you’re going to Inn Deep, you’ll be sitting outside. Now, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that Scotland gets rather cold (I’m looking at you, Beast from the East), so you’ll want something warm to wear. In a sea of puffers, an aviator jacket stands out, and has never gone out of style. It also goes well over most tops, pair it with anything your little heart desires (and you definitely do not need to break the bank on that £2000 Acne one).
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2) Cafe Date
Another classic casual first date spot is something along the lines of Artisan Roast. Due to its close proximity to Glasgow University, you might end up coming here straight from the library – so you’ll need something both uni and date appropriate. A black turtleneck and high-waisted jeans are a classic combination: try a straight leg instead of the mom jean for a modern take. Grab a darker lipstick or fun jewellery with you to jazz the outfit up before your date (if you feel like it). Clean black ankle boots are a sleek change from the ubiquitous trainer, too!
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3) Movie Date
Are you planning on catching a flick at the local theatre? Grab a warm and fitted turtleneck that can be worn with any bottom you are feeling for the night.
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4) Walking Date
Weather permitting, Kelvin Way is lovely for a casual stroll. Here, as you’ll be doing a lot of walking and talking, a statement coat goes a long way in jazzing up an outfit while still maintaining a casual ‘oh this? I just threw this on’ air about you.
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5) Gallery Date
Glasgow’s host to a great many galleries and exhibitions, all of which are great first date spots for those with an interest in art – you definitely won’t be running out of things to talk about. This is probably just me, but personally, I quite like to dress up a little when going to art galleries – the usual, stereotypical, nice-trouser-and-turtleneck combo. (Bonus points if the neck of the turtleneck is high enough for me to fiddle with as I appraise art pensively). Checked trousers have been massive for the past two years, and are a great way of smartening up an outfit – pair them with trainers for a really casual first date look!
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Which of these casual first date outfit ideas do you think you’d try? Let us know in the comments below!
This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.
Featured Image Source:Â https://www.glamour.com/story/exactly-how-to-date-now