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Wondering How To Date After A Long Term Relationship? We’ve Got You Covered

Wondering How To Date After A Long Term Relationship? We’ve Got You Covered

This is the singles girl's guide to getting back in the game. This is how to date after a long term relationship:

Break ups are difficult no matter how long you’ve been together, but unfortunately, they are a part of life. The real question is how do you move on and start dating again after leaving the person you thought might have been the one. So how do you do it? This is the singles girl’s guide to getting back in the game. This is how to date after a long term relationship:

1. Make sure you have cut off all contact with your ex.

Keeping in contact with your ex will always keep that door open and you can’t move on if you think you could still wiggle your way through the gap. As much as it may hurt you need to try not to text them or spend time with them. It may be difficult if you are in the same friendship circle or if they were your main confidant but it will be better for you in the long run.

2. Work out what went wrong.

You don’t want to repeat the past relationship because clearly it wasn’t working. You need to sit down and figure out exactly what was good and what was bad, otherwise you are going to get stuck in a loop. Also remember that there are probably faults on both sides of the relationship, but if your partner cheated do not spend time blaming yourself!


3. Download the clichéd dating apps.

Tinder is a great way to meet new people and experiment with what you like in a partner. You’ve probably forgotten what the world was like before your last relationship so it is going to take a while to get in to the swing of things. Bear in mind you probably won’t find your new perfect person to start with.

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4. Relax a bit.

You’ve been in a relationship for a long time, enjoy being single. Mess around a bit, spend time with your mates, and pick up a new hobby. If there is one thing I have learnt from dating is that if you force a relationship it just doesn’t work. Don’t be afraid to be alone for a while.


Do you have any advice on how to date after a long term relationship? Let us know down below!