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Why Going Back To School Isn’t Actually THAT Bad

Why Going Back To School Isn’t Actually THAT Bad

Why Going Back To School Isn't Actually THAT Bad

There’s nothing quite so bad as the dark cloud that comes with the end of the holidays. Soon, people will be going back to school, to college, to work, and you know your last lazy days in the sun are numbered. But if you think about it, going back to school isn’t actually that bad, and here’s why.

1. New Stationery

One of the best things about going back to school is the inevitable stationary shop. There’s no better cure for back to school blues than pastel highlighters, colour co-ordinated pen collections, and patterned notebooks.

2. Catching Up

Depending on who went where when in the holidays, you might not have seen your friends for a while, but at school, you’re finally guaranteed to be all together in the same place. There’s no better gossip than the catch up after the summer, end of.


3. New Tights

Ok, so this might be a slightly weird one, but if you know you know. There is nothing, we repeat, nothing better than that new tights feeling. They’re clean and smooth, no holes, no bobbles. It’s divine. 

4. It Can Be Fun

If we’re all completely honest, after a few weeks of being off, you can start to get bored. There’s not actually that much to do in the holidays once you’ve had a rest, and we’re all guilty of getting into a lazy routine of doing nothing and going nowhere, (unless it’s to the garden to sunbathe.) School though gives you that structure, you’re kept busy, so you get bored less, and enjoy your time off more when you get it. Plus, once you start choosing your subjects, chances are you’ll be doing something that actually really interests you!

4. Keeping Fit

Believe it or not, being at school actually helps you stay a whole lot healthier. With compulsory PE lessons and loads of students walking there and back every day, it’s actually so much easier to do exercise during school time than it is during the holidays when you have to force yourself out of your summer clothes to go to the gym. Plus, you have fewer opportunities to snack through the day.


5. New Accessories

New shoes, new bag, you name it, come September, it’ll be new! Shiny new pumps and a fresh handbag? Yes, please!

6. Events

There are all sorts of fun things filling up your events calendar during the first term back from summer. Not just back to school parties, but occasions like Hallowe’en and Christmas, so going back to school actually means having loads to look forward to.

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7. A New Look

Most people start a new academic year with the whole “new year new me” approach, so going back to school brings with it the excitement of showing off your new look, be that haircut, makeup, or dress sense.

8. Lunch Boxes

There are some foods that just belong in a packed lunch, and for some reason, you don’t see anywhere else. So if it’s your favourite sweet, biscuit, or packet of crisps, finding it in your lunchbox once a day is 100 percent something to look forward to.

9. Weekends

This might be another weird once, since, of course, weekends don’t just disappear altogether during the summer, but the days do tend to merge together. Once you’re back at school though, you get that Friday feeling back, Saturday night is once again party night, and Sunday is lazy, stay in bed, wear your pyjamas the whole time day again.


What’s your fave thing about going back to school? Let us know in the comments below!

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