Categories: Entertainment

Why Endgame Is The Best Film You’ll Watch

Warning: for those of you who haven’t watched the film, this article contains spoilers. Avengers: Endgame was a much-awaited film for all the Marvel fans of the world, and it certainly didn’t disappoint. Some people have argued that they’ve never spent three hours of their lives so wisely, but even with so many claims of it being the best film out, perhaps you need more reason to make the trip to the cinema. Here are some reasons why Endgame will be completely worth the trip!

1. It Involves Every MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) Hero To Date

That’s right, guys. No more waiting for your favourite character to make a comeback because they all make an appearance in this film – and I mean all of them. Whether you love Iron Man or you’re just looking forward to seeing older Groot make an appearance, you’ll be happy to know that no-one is left out. They’re all as epic as ever.

2. It Has An Amalgamation Of 21 Stories

If you’re a massive Marvel fan and have been following the plot ever since Iron Man came out, this might be one of your main reasons for being excited. It’s the final Avengers movie, so all of the stories so far have been building up to this moment (and if you’re the sort that gets easily confused, Endgame will hopefully help clear things up for you!) It’s a great finale to the most imaginative combination of plots.

3. It Has An Epic Battle Scene

Now this is a common trope in the Avengers films, for sure, and it’s often the part that everyone waits for; I’ll admit I was on the edge of my seat and almost even had goosebumps when Nebula brought Thanos to earth and the battle commenced. It had been the part I’d been waiting for for the entirety of the film, and it certainly lived up to my expectations – if you think the battle in Infinity War was good, you’ll love this. There’s even a subtle reference to female empowerment when all the female superheroes come together and imply they don’t actually need the guys to win the fight. Go girls go!

4. It’s The Last Film Stanley Lee Is In

If you haven’t heard about this, I’m sorry, you can’t claim to be a true Marvel fan. If you have followed the films closely, you’ll know that the Marvel legend himself, Stanley Lee, makes a cameo in each of the films, and despite him tragically passing away last year he still makes his appearance in Endgame. You often have to have a keen eye to notice when he appears, but you’ll likely get excited when he does. It seems like a perfectly fitting tribute for a man who made a huge difference to the likes of both young people and adults; he introduced one of the most popular stories of all time.

See Also

5. Not Once Do You Think, ‘When Will This End?’

This is possibly the best part. Despite being a huge fan of the Marvel films, even I rolled my eyes when I found out it was going to be a three-hour film. Not only was I thinking how on Earth I was going to be able to hold back from going to the toilet for that long (OK, minor point), but I was wondering if it was going to actually feel like I’d been sat still for too long. Trust me, you’ll be pleasantly surprised. The pace of the film is perfect and it really will be over before you know it. Unfortunately.

Have you watched Avengers: Endgame? What did you think of it? Let us know in the comments below!

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Jennifer Robson

I'm a University of Birmingham Undergraduate studying English and Creative Writing. I love music (I'm especially partial to a bit of Ed Sheeran), reading ('The Lovely Bones' is genius) and, obviously, writing! I hope you enjoy reading my articles.

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