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Why Both Men And Women Need Feminism

Why Both Men And Women Need Feminism

Feminism is something that is important to both men and women. Here is our list of reasons why we all need to be a feminist.

Feminism has many different definitions to many people, and it is usually different for a lot of people. A lot of people misunderstand and think that feminism is merely a way of saying of getting back men or that women should be the supreme gender, but that is completely incorrect.  So, then what is feminism, and why do both men and women need it?

To me, it has always been summed up with one word, equality. It’s not about taking things away from the men and giving it to the women or vice versa. Its to make things both socially acceptable and available to both genders. Feminism isn’t supposed to take anything away, it supposed to give people freedom, not repression.

Why does everyone need feminism?

For centuries, men and women have been forced into roles because of their gender. Men were always pushed in the role of working whilst women are pushed into the role of staying at home and looking after the kids. Both these roles are sexist. Women are still being pushed into having kids when they don’t feel comfortable to. A woman should have the right to choose whether they want kids or not and should not be for a man to decide. Women have the right to work just as men have the right to stay at home and look after the kids. Feminism is about having a choice about what you want to do, no matter what that is and regardless of your gender.


We shouldn’t be pushed into an image just because we were born a male or female. Gender isn’t supposed to be black and white, or blue or pink. Gender is extremely diverse and should not be limited by rules of what we should or shouldn’t be.

Many people think that feminism is all about women because they have less rights than men.

Feminism does support women’s rights but its also supposed to support men and their right to be feminine. But over the years, females have been discriminated more than men. We should turn a blind eye to the rights men don’t have. Most of the acts that are considered wrong are feminine, and something that is truly disgusting abut society is that it loves to hate anything that is feminine. Whilst anything that’s considered masculine is socially accepted.

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It’s because of this that women and anything feminine is still being treated as the minority.

Girls are being told off or sent home from school because what they are wearing is considered distracting. They should never be punished or considered wrong for standing for themselves. Women should not be treated as objects. To be blamed for being raped because of what they wore. Men should not be told to treat women as they are objects. But there are men out there who do get assaulted. If they do, the response should not be told to man up, or be laughed at. It should be treated with the same respect as a women’s case. Movements from the #Metoo movement needed to be treated with respect. Not just female victims either.

So why both men and women need feminism? Because we need equality and is a basic human right to everyone. Women should and deserve to be equal to men. Men on the other hand need to learn that its okay to like and do feminine things. Men should also be told that it’s not okay to objectify women. Women are human beings not objects! You don’t have to conform to the roles society pushes you to be because society expects an unrealistic image, which needs to be taken down.

Everyone is different, and no matter what gender we are, we deserve equality. We deserve to have our voices be heard. Simple as that! Do you have any views on feminism or want to share what else needs to be done to help gender equality for both men and women? Comment below