
Which Pixar Movie Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

Pixar movies are the obvious little sibling to Disney movies – and arguably more imaginative, as well.  While Disney gives us princesses and far away kingdoms, Pixar gives us talking toys and floating houses. And because Pixar movies are so great, we’re assigning one to your zodiac sign – definitively too. Refer below for your be-all and end-all Pixar movie, according to your zodiac.

Aries, ‘Cars’

The fast and the furious of Pixar movies obviously goes to the fast and furious of the zodiac signs.

Aries signs are instigators of action, and head-first into danger, just like Lightning McQueen. And this is the movie that launched a franchise – even if it’s a wobbly one.

Taurus, ‘Up’

You might ask yourself why, and not realise that the answer is not that complicated; because Taurus signs are grumpy old men.

Gemini, ‘WALL-E’

A film that explores the pitfalls of humanity from the viewpoint of a robot. This movie represents the Gemini’s ability to see things from a different (or ‘inhuman’) perspective, but has an immense heart beneath it too.

Cancer, ‘Toy Story’

Buzz and Woody spend this movie wallowing in jealousy, panic, depression, and betrayal – kinda dark for a kid’s movie. But whatever – it totally represents the Cancer signs emotional highs and lows, and that’s all that really matters.

Leo, ‘Ratatouille’

This movie about rats, pasta, and a big-headed guy is the ultimate movie for Leo signs. Not only is it one of the most beloved, but the characters in the movie also reach fame and are humbled by its loss – something every Leo sign ought to keep in mind.

Virgo, ‘Inside Out’

Aren’t you glad you aren’t ‘Ratatouille’?

‘Inside Out’ is a clever depiction of emotion in order, and emotion in chaos. And since Virgo signs tend to go a little crazy if they don’t have order over a situation, this film seems to suit them perfectly.

Libra, ‘The Incredibles’

This is a movie that weighs the good and the bad throughout. And far from being wishy-washy (which is a stereotype of Libra signs), the characters here take their time finding the balance between their Super lives and their normal lives.

Scorpio, ‘Brave’

Fiercely independent, a little mysterious – is it a Pixar film or a Disney film?

While the answer to that can be found on Wikipedia, we only care that Merida is the type of girl to march to the beat of her own drum, just like Scorpio signs do.

See Also

Sagittarius, ‘Monsters Inc.’

Talk about adventure – this film explores a world not even our own. Or is it slightly our own?

Whatever the case, it also totally captures that fear of kids that some Sag signs suffer from. Commitment? A future with another human being? Nah, we good.

Capricorn, ‘A Bug’s Life’

Take note social climbers! This film is about toppling the food chain and emerging on top, and most Capricorns want nothing more than to be the best there ever was – or at least not have their food stolen by grasshoppers.

Aquarius, ‘Finding Nemo’

Marlin is the Aquarius, in case you were wondering. While he might not show emotion (he’s a fish) he has that protective instinct that all Aquarius signs bury deep within them.

A film that can be funny and also heartfelt (re: the opening scene) is a true Aquarian film.

Pisces, ‘Coco’

A Pixar movie steeped in lore and culture – this film transcends everyday reality, at least for Westerners. As Pisces signs tend to travel to different universes, either by daydream or intentional spirituality, this is the perfect film for Pisces signs.

How do you feel your Pixar movie represents your zodiac sign? Tell us in the comments!

Featured Image Source: https://jonnegroni.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/pixarpix.jpg
Kaitlyn Loft

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