Do you need a Fairy Godmother? How about a Prince Charming?
If you feel like you should be a Disney princess, then read on to find out which end of the Disney stick you’ll get, according to your zodiac.
Stubborn, impatient, and instigators of action – Merida certainly does propel things along, especially when they don’t seem to be going her way.
Merida is the perfect little Aries. She’s adventurous, courageous, and unafraid to try new things or change. She even instigates political change by the end of her movie!
Aries signs definitely have a little ‘Brave’ in them.
Headstrong, and with a healthy fortitude against all the hurdles of life. Locked in a tower? You’ll find a way to escape. Accosted by an evil stepmother? That ain’t gonna hold you back.
Taurus signs set their plans and stick to them – just like Rapunzel stuck to her dream of seeing the glowing lights.
Duality is the name of the game, and Ariel certainly delivers. As both human and a fish (or to be PC about it, a mermaid), Ariel experiences multiple facets of existence.
She has an ability to look beyond a singular experience, and that is the subjectivity that Gemini signs bring to the world.
Cancer is an emotionally in-tuned sign, just as Jasmine is.
She feels the highs and lows of royal life, and expresses them too. And she does a little wallowing too, before getting of her Cancer-esque butt and breaking out of the palace for her adventure!
Even in having such swift changes in mood lets you know that Jasmine is a Cancer princess, for sure.
Although Tiana isn’t quite the vain, show-off that Leo’s are stereotyped to be, she does expect great things from herself! And rightly so, since Tiana is criminally underrated in the Disney Princess line-up.
This working-class woman works day and night to save for her restaurant, and ain’t nothing (not even getting turned into a frog) is gonna stand in her way. She walks that fine line between generosity of heart and knowing what she deserves for herself – what a Leo legend.
Not just for the cleaning thing…but maybe a little because of it.
Snow White likes a home that has order, and that certainly epitomises the Virgo spirit. Clear-headed, rational, Virgos are known for being happiest when there’s structure around them. Oh, and they’re associated with purity.
Skin white as snow, anyone?
Libra signs avoid conflict and weigh the cost-benefits of all their decisions.
Pocahontus certainly has weighed the options, and does her best to avoid violence throughout her narrative.
As with most Libras, she is two-part. And here, she has two princes, two sides to a story (although colonialism is a pretty bad side of that story), and this is just like the scale has two sides to it too.
Who else would it be?
Mulan’s narrative toys with concepts of gender and sexuality, and she’s a loyal bitch who gets things done. Where others are too afraid to go, Mulan is not. If she has to cross-dress, face her family’s shame, or take down the Huns pretty much single-handedly, she’s not afraid to venture there.
She’s a Scorpio through and through.
Go where you want to go, say what you want to say – Sagittarius signs are free spirits, and so is Moana.
Moana sails the sees because she has to. Not to fulfil a quest (though she does), but because adventure calls to her the way it does all Sagittarius signs. Plus, she’s confident and sticks it to the man. Very Sag-like.
She’s raised from destitution to become royalty – which is pretty much what every Capricorn dreams of.
No one wants to live in squalor, and Capricorns always have a desire to see themselves thrive in some capacity. Capricorns also have certain mystical energies about them (often hidden), which can be called upon like a Fairy Godmother to make magic of your life.
The humanitarian zodiac, Aquarius signs tend to rationalise their emotions rather than act on them.
If you think of the most rational of princesses, Belle has to be one who comes to mind. She was one of the first to show autonomy, to display intellect, and has a huge Aquarian heart to boot!
Even if she’s rather stoic on the outside, she still loves deeply!
Spacey, head-in-the-clouds, and emotionally intuitive. These describe old-school Disney princess, Sleeping Beauty!
While Pisces are able to pick up on emotional cues around them easily enough, they also value their alone time! So if they had the opportunity to sleep for a couple hundred years, we bet they’d take it too!
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