When And How To Overhaul Your Closet

If you’re struggling to find an outfit in your closet, girl, it’s time to overhaul your closet!
Giving your closet that drab-to-fab clean-out might seem like a task – but it’s really quite easy. There are only a few simple rules to follow when it comes time for that much-needed closet overhaul.
How Do You Know When To Overhaul Your Closet?
Easy – if you open those wardrobe doors and look inside, and nothing sparks joy? That’s when you know it’s time.
Keeping up with the constant change of trends in the fashion world can be hard. That, and sometimes we’re a little low on funds to update our fashion style. If you’re struggling to find an outfit that inspires confidence, an f-yeah-I-wanna-wear-this! moment, it’s time for an overhaul.
Alternatively, if you have the outfit but can’t find it; that’s another sign you need an overhaul. Sometimes, our stockpiles get the best of us, and the better of our wardrobes. Sweaters spilling out, socks overflowing in their drawer, no room to even riffle through your hanging clothes. Mess and outdated styles are the major killers of wardrobe happiness.
When it comes to cleaning it all out, there are a few steps to follow.
1. Take It All Out
You need to start fresh, and the easiest way to know what you have and what you’re working with, is to empty it all out. Put all your clothes in a pile, all your shoes, your socks – whatever categories work for you.
Once you’ve done this, then you can see just how much you have, and the full capacity of the space you have to fit it into.
2. Be Selective
Tidying-up queen, Marie Kondo, has recently taken our clutter by storm. Her method of only keeping clothes that “spark joy” is one which I, and many others, swear by. By keeping only the items that have a practical use, or make you truly happy, you increase the joy around you.
Now, it’s time to get sorting! Ask yourself; have a worn this in the last six months? Does this have a purpose? Is it important to me?
You definitely don’t need those gym shorts from high-school, but the Year Twelve shirt signed by your classmates definitely holds a different level of nostalgia, making it worthy of a place in your wardrobe.
3. Don’t Bin What You Can Donate
Here, you may have to do some research of your own. Consider the area you live in, and what second-hand stores there are around.
In order to avoid inundating Salvos or Vinnies with items they have plenty of, take care with what you donate to them. You could even consider dropping by and asking what items they need the most of!
Give them only your clean and undamaged clothes – ones you would feel good about giving to a friend. Pair your socks together, and don’t donate underwear if it isn’t new with the tag on.
You can also consider donating non-clothing items – shoes, bedding and towels are all useful to op-shops.
4. Consider How To Utilise Your Closet
In order to maximise space, you want to know what you have and give everything its own special spot in your wardrobe. This will make things not only more aesthetically-rewarding to look at, but easier to find that one black top in the sea of other black clothes you have!
There are shoe racks that you can sit in the bottom of your wardrobe, under hanging space. You can buy tags to hang of the railing in order to categorise your items. Items of nostalgia can be folded up and kept in a box on a shelf, or under your bed.
There are thousands of ideas on Instagram or Pinterest that can help you out here!
5. Shop!
Now that you’ve got your wardrobe down to the old faves, the classics and the absolute essentials, it’s time to invest in a new season wardrobe!
You’ve got the space for new staple pieces, and you deserve them!