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What Qualities To Really Look For In A Potential Boyfriend

What Qualities To Really Look For In A Potential Boyfriend

Here is a list of what qualities to really look for in a potential boyfriend - take a look and try to remember them, they're definitely the most important!

When we are young, our list of qualities for our ideal man or a potential boyfriend often doesn’t extend past good looks and a bad boy attitude to match. But as we age, become wiser and have our hearts broken one too many times, we rethink this list. To give you a head start, I have written a starter list of what qualities to really look for in a potential boyfriend!

1) He Has Respect for You

Arguably, the most important building block of a relationship is mutual respect. Respect shows that the person cares about your opinions and thoughts and regards you as important to him. A potential boyfriend will illustrate that he has respect for you, by listening to you, caring about what you have to say and pondering on your thoughts and opinions, among other things.

2) He is Kind

Kindness is a true virtue! Being kind doesn’t cost anything, and takes very little effort, so there really isn’t any excuse for not being kind. If he displays kindness to you and to others, it tells you he is a genuinely good person at heart. What more could you want in a potential boyfriend!


3) He Shares a Friendship with You

Friendship is such a useful and coveted quality in a romantic relationship. If a potential boyfriend shares a friendship with you, it means he truly understands you and values your personality and characteristics in an organic way, and he has the all the qualities that you like, not only lust for, in a person. This means you will get on well with each other. He’s a keeper!

4) He is Polite to Everyone

Ever heard the famous saying ‘if he is polite to the waiter, he’ll be polite to you’? Politeness is an important virtue in a potential boyfriend as it shows he values and respects not only you but all those around him. This says a lot about his character!

5) He is Understanding

We all have good and bad days, whether it is due to work or uni stress, family issues, friendship problems, anxiety or depression or general life stress. This is made more difficult when the person you are in a relationship does not understand you or what you are going through. If a potential boyfriend is understanding, it takes a lot of pressure off you, and your relationship has a better chance of lasting long term.


6) He is Supportive of You

This is one of the best traits you could ask for in a potential boyfriend. Sometimes, we all need a helping hand and moral support, no matter how strong and independent we are; if he is supportive, you know that what is important to you, is important to him, and he will have your back in any situation!

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7) He Puts in Effort with The People You Love

If he loves you, he will try to love those that you love, simple as that. Of course in life, not everyone gets along, and he may not get along with your family and/or friends, but he will at least put in the effort to get to know them initially.


8) He is Resilient and Patient

As wonderful as relationships are the majority of the time, they can be tough, particularly as you get older and life gets busier and more complicated. This is where resilience and patience come in; look for a man who is willing to work hard at the relationship and won’t just walk away when the going gets tough. If he does, he wasn’t right for you anyway, so don’t sweat!

9) Loyalty

This is one of the most important qualities to look for in a potential boyfriend! Loyalty is so important, because, like respect, it is the basis of a long term relationship. If he is loyal, you know he only has eyes for you, so you won’t have to worry about him cheating on you. He will stick with you through tough times as well as positive times. Ah, happy days!

Of course, there are countless other qualities you can look for in a potential boyfriend, but these are the bare bones that have to be built upon! What do you look for in a potential boyfriend? Let us know in the comments!

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