
What Is Moon Milk And Why Is Instagram Freaking Out About It?

It seems like every few minutes, there’s a new wellness fad on Instagram that people freak out about. First there was bulletproof coffee, then bone broth, and now moon milk. But what is moon milk and why is Instagram freaking out about it? Read on to find out — if you often have sleepless nights, this could be a great thing for you to try.

1. What is moon milk?

Moon milk is a night time drink derived from the holistic practices of Ayurveda. It is used as a natural remedy for sleep deprivation and is normally drank before bed. If you struggle with stressful days and restless nights, this drink promises to promote harmony in the mind, body and soul for a good night’s sleep.

2. How to make it

Classic moon milk is typically made from honey, spices (usually cinnamon or nutmeg) and cow’s milk. The original Ayurvedic recipe  swears by the use of cow’s milk to achieve its desired stress-relieving effects. However, if you’re dairy-free or vegan and you really must give it a try, try switching out cow’s milk for almond milk or hemp milk.

3. The Insta factor

If you’ve seen this drink on Instagram, you might be surprised to see that the warm, frothy drink is actually available in lots of different colours. This is because people on Instagram have been adding more nutritious ingredients to their moon milk, such as rose petals, lavender, matcha powder or spirulina to not only make it more colourful, but also to add even more health benefits.

4. It’s better than red wine

While some people swear by alcohol — specifically red wine — for a good night’s sleep, it’s actually not that good for you! Sure, alcohol might knock you out, but it also creates irregular sleeping patterns. Moon milk is booze-free and so much better for you.

See Also

5. It can affect your hormones

Studies have shown that if you take moon milk over the course of two weeks, it can actually help your body reset cortisol levels. Cortisol is a hormone released when you stress, and can lead to breakouts and weight gain. So not only will you regulate your sleeping pattern with moon milk, but you’ll also look and feel healthier overall!

6. Try it for yourself

Still not convinced? Try making the recipe at home! Some bloggers recommend adding in chamomile petals for extra relaxation. You can even use cherry juice (it contains melatonin which is good for sleep) to create an Insta-worthy millennial pink drink!

Do you want to find out what is moon milk? Let us know in the comments!

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Rachel Abreu

Current student at University of St Andrews, Scotland. Obsessed with anything related to beauty, skin care and finding the perfect pair of jeans. Instagram: @rachelmarieabreu

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