Weight Loss Tips From People Who Have Actually Used Them

Keeping fit and healthy is by no means an easy feat – least of all when you’re surrounded by already fit and flawless people advising you with tricky weight loss tips everywhere you look. Here are the best weight loss tips from people who have actually had success with them*, for when you need a little inspirational reminder that it can indeed be done.
1. Don’t drink your calories
I’ve lost about 65lb since 2012 and I’m convinced that 20 of those pounds I lost solely from cutting out soda and iced tea. Replaced it all with lemon water because I still wanted a drink with flavor.
papayaregime on Reddit.
2. Use a fitness tracker
The thing I like about MyFitnessPal is that it gives me a calorie guideline. Instead of just counting calories, I can see my available calories go down as I eat. Right now it’s 4:00 and I’ve eaten breakfast, lunch, and my snacks. I still have over 1000 calories available for dinner.
TychaBrahe on Reddit.Â
3. Find what works for you
My trainer wanted me to run, but I just could not for the absolute life of me get into the habit of running. So I would do this walking / running interval. I still hated it.
So I decided to just cycle instead. Yes, it burns fewer calories than running but you know what, I actually do cardio when I’m cycling. With running I wouldn’t really do it, I’d be like “meh I can skip it today.”
Running can go fu*k itself.
spaghatta111 on Reddit.
4. Embrace the activewear
Put your workout clothes out; or even better, put them on. It will increase he likelihood of you actually working out. Or at least, put you in a ‘health conscious mind frame’.
If I come home from work and put my pajamas on – chances are that I am not going to be very productive.
Overshadows on Reddit.
5. Make healthy swaps.
Not for me, but the wife. After years of “this diet pill isn’t working” and “this stomach wrap isn’t working”, she finally took my advice about calories and how the fat losing process is very simple. She doesn’t count calories every day, but she stopped drinking soft drinks and eating honey buns.
After that it was making the healthier choices, brown rice and bread over the bleached alternative, spinach over lettuce, water over juice etc. She’s down 35-ish lbs (5’6″ 161lbs) today and still going.
ToneRanger2 on Reddit.
6. Understand your eating habits
This is silly, but I do it and it works.
When I crave a little snack (always something tasty and calorie-laden like cheese or peanut butter), I just think to myself “would I want to eat a bowl of broccoli instead?” Not really. That doesn’t appeal so I know I’m not really hungry. Plus, according to MyFitnessPal I know I’ve had my calories today and I’m actually fine. I’m not starving, I’m not missing nutrients, I’m just feeling snacky.Â
readitandbleep on Reddit.Â
7. Find low cal snacks you actually enjoyÂ
Pickles pickles pickles. I eat a couple whenever I get in the mood for something crunchy and salty, which is usually right before bed. They have about 1 calorie per pickle but are of course high in sodium. I have low blood pressure so sodium isn’t such a concern for me, but it might be for others. If they weren’t so high in sodium, I’d eat an entire jar every day.
8. Keep yourself accountable
I was miserable, pre-diabetic, and insulin resistant with awful PCOS symptoms. Then I started keto (a high-fat, low-carb diet) back in January of 2018. After nearly a year, I’ve lost almost 70 pounds, gotten myself out of pre-diabetic status, and reversed my insulin resistance. I also barely experience any PCOS symptoms. The thing that really got me through it was by starting an Instagram account to document my entire keto journey. It’s helped me stay motivated by being a part of a community!
givetorisomespace on BuzzFeed.
9. Keep it interesting
I’ve lost 60 pounds this year by taking up martial arts. My beginning weight was 250 pounds, and a lot of the movements were difficult for me. I also started working with a nutrition coach who I check in with every week. She has me count my macros every day, and I’ve learned so much about the nutrients my body needs.
comicbooksandtiaras on BuzzFeed.
10. Walk whenever you can.
I had always been pretty active – I played on various sports teams and even ran obstacle course races like Spartan and Tough Mudder. It wasn’t until I moved to South Korea and started walking to and from work that I noticed my clothes were getting a lot looser. I then started to eat more real, unprocessed foods. All of this helped me lose a little over 70 pounds, and I plan to run my first half-marathon in 2019!
carolynnt4f3f1ecdb on BuzzFeed.
11. Take it one step at a time
I lost 105 pounds over a 13-month period by making small, consistent changes. I started by making all of my meals at home, and then I slowly added in workouts. I have completed my 10th half-marathon this year, and I’m working towards completing one in all 50 states. My best advice for anyone starting out is to take it one step at a time – don’t expect to completely overhaul your life in one day.
sarahc48ab12ae7 on BuzzFeed.
12. Go easy on yourself.
Putting less pressure on myself.
Maybe because I stress eat, but perfectionism ruined my mental health AND made me fat.
queenfool on Reddit.
Have you gotten into shape with the help of any weight loss tips? Share your success story below or your favourite weight loss tips below!
*Weight loss tips edited for clarity.