10 Ways To Stimulate Your Creativity

There are many professions and industry that require people to be creative, and sometimes it can be difficult for you to always tap into your creative side. If you are struggling to complete your task – whether it be art, writing, creating, music, or designing – then you may need to stimulate your creativity. It may seem like this is an impossible thing to do when you have a creative block, so here are 10 ways you can stimulate it!
1. Go for a walk
Getting outside and going for a walk is a good way to easily stimulate your creativity. This doesn’t necessarily have to be in nature, even just walking down the street or to the shops a back, as long as you are getting some fresh air and exercise. Doing this will increase your endorphins, get your blood pumping, wake your senses and help you change your mindset.
2. Take a bath
Another way to stimulate your creativity is by taking a bath (preferably with bubbles). Baths, or even showers, are extremely relaxing and help your body release dopamine: more dopamine makes us more creative. It also provides a calming distraction from what you are fixated on. Putting bubble bath, essential oils or a bath bomb in your bath will help increase the relaxation.
3. Have a cup of tea
Boil the kettle for this next way to stimulate your creativity! Having a cup of tea increases your brainpower and boosts your creativity. The best tea for this type of boost is black tea: it does so by enhancing your mood and increasing brain cognition. Even studies have been done to find that tea drinkers perform better than others!
4. Read a book
Reading a book has many benefits that stimulate your creativity. It does this by exercising your brain, increasing concentration, reducing stress, helping you sleep, boosting your confidence, and increasing your knowledge. Reading is a positive distraction and also provides you with inspiration, whether or not it is relevant to your profession.
5. Try something outside of your comfort zone
Stimulate your creativity by trying something new and outside of your comfort zone. Trying new things creates unique situations for your brain, forcing it to work harder and boosting your creativity. It allows you to look at old things in a new light and from a new perspective.
6. Go see a movie
Take a trip to your local movie theatre for another way to stimulate your creativity. The whole cinematic experience of going to a movie theatre, the sensory overload, popcorn, the giant screen, the darkness, the coldness, and the surround sound will leave you refreshed with your mind spinning and inspired.
7. Eat certain foods
Certain foods have been proven to increase your happiness and boost your creativity. These foods include milk, spinach, salmon, whole grain pasta, tofu and sunflower seeds. All of these foods contain fats and nutrients that make them great brain foods, nurturing your memory, improving creativity, increases mood and gives you a burst of energy.
8. Listen to music
Stimulate your creativity by listening to music. Doing this activates the part of your brain that that controls emotions and creativity. The best genre of music the listen to when trying to stimulate your creativity is classical music, particularly Mozart. Additionally, new music and genres outside of what you normally listen to also give your brain a boost.
9. Exercise
Exercising and physical workouts are one of the most effective ways to stimulate your creativity. You could go to the gym, go for a swim, go for a run, or do an at-home workout. Similar to walking, the endorphins that are released and the adrenaline boost will help wake your senses and creativity. Exercise will loosen up your body and mind, freeing yourself to think clearly.
10. Take a break
Finally, stimulate your creativity by simply taking a break. Taking a break and stepping away from what you are working on is extremely important in making sure you aren’t overthinking your project. Even working on a different project can help stimulate your creativity as it gets you thinking differently and outside the box.