8 Ways To Spice Up Your Sex Life This Fall

It’s that time of year where the leaves begin to fall and the weather gets colder. Sex seems like something of a mystery for the months of autumn; this isn’t always the case. If anything, it’s time to spice up your sex life. So, cuddle up and get cosy as these tips will help you put the pumpkin spiced latte aside and head for the sheets. Here are 8 ways to spice up your sex life this fall.
1. Erotic massages
With the weather getting colder and nights becoming longer, daylight seems like won’t be coming around for a while. So why not add extra time together giving each other erotic messages in the dark. Not only do you save electricity but also enjoy some time together using your bodies.
2. Drink!
Although alcohol for you all the time is not great and should only be enjoyed in moderation it can be great n those autumn months. As the days get colder we become more prone to illness and lack sex drive for not only ourselves but to work with our partner. So a little cocktail or bourbon here and there can help keep you both warm and snug, realising feel good hormones. Drink also gets us in the mood after a few but try not to have too many as it lowers our inhibitions and dulls our senses. Alcohol is also great in combination with some delicious foods such as strawberries with champagne or oysters and wine can act as a sensual aphrodisiac.
3. Movie and chill nights
Sex doesn’t always have to be such a set up or challenge, it can instead be something as simple as setting the mood such as a chill night In with dinner or watching and movie and being in each other’s company. The movie itself can be a bit more erotic but that’s up to you. The company together is great enough to appreciate time with each other which in turn can work wonders when it comes to your sex life as everything doesn’t always have to be physical, but there must also be an emotional connection. Making time for each other is always a must.
4. Take a class and learn to love yourself
With the weather becoming more chilly our bodies react to the cold by eating more or making drastic changes to our every diet and so we begin to take less care of ourselves. We are all guilty of thus, myself included. However if you do gain some pre winter weight or your skin loses its glow, then don’t worry that’s all part of nature and those changes don’t make you an less attractive, you are still you.
Take time to love yourself and that sometimes you need a break and you don’t always have to aim to be perfect as you already are. Just simple words from your partner and to you can boost your confidence and make you realise that all 365 days of the year you are still and always will be beautiful. By taking time to yourself and for your partner can really do wonders for your sex life and it’s all physical tied in with your emotional confidence.
5. Dressing Up/ Role Play
Leaving not a lot to the imagination is always going to be hard task and so dressing up by putting on more layers feels like a must for those fall months. However, it can be hard to look sexy in a jumper and not all can pull it off (well we all know our partners would rather see us with it off) so the challenge still lies. To feel more confident and sex this fall can be as easy as adding some additional role playing into your routine which adds more to the imagination this way. Our minds can be sexy too and by giving off vibes with our role playing as well as having layers dressing yourself can add some spice and leaving more to the imagination. This can also add some change to what may have become a boring routine into your lifestyle.
6. Shower together
The warmth of the shower will be heating you up as well as refreshing you both, it may also lead to being a time saver in everyday busy lives. Showering is also a very intimate experience which is usually ‘you’ time so by being spontaneous and jumping into the shower with your partner can actually add some unexpected thrill into the day, leaving not much time to dwell and enjoy the experience. This can also boost the mood for both partners for the long day ahead and still keeps in with your sexual side together.
7. Take a break
Sometimes a needed vacation for you both is a must. Not only does it refresh the batteries and rejuvenate you both, a vacation can also bring back some added spice and romance back into your sex life. There’s something about being away from home and in a strange place that bring out a kinkier side to couples to explore each other as well as chilling and spending some much needed time together. So take a short weekend break away or just take a trip to the unknown with each other and make the effort to step outside your comfort zone in the trust of each other.
8. Experiment
Spending time jotting down ideas and inventing new ways (much like the Starbucks spiced latte) on how to add some spice to your life. Try to think what you both want and by this way talking about the simple fantasies to time spent together and relish this step, it allows to bring out what you both want and strengthening communication. Not only this but simple talking to each other makes for a happy relationship and a deeper bond for your sex life and relationship.