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8 Ways To Overcome Rejection From A Person You Admire

8 Ways To Overcome Rejection From A Person You Admire

Finding ways to overcome rejection can be difficult, but it is possible. Here are some tips on how to deal with rejection and move forward.

All of us have experienced some kind of rejection. Whether it concerned love, work or friendships, we all know what being rejected feels like and how difficult it is to deal with it.  However, it’s really important to know how to take care of yourself after a failure. If you’re feeling down and you’re struggling to go back on track, take a look at these 8 ways to overcome rejection!

You are not your failures. You are yourself.

It is fundamental to detach your failure and your feeling of rejection from who you are. In the end, you need to accept that you are not your failures and you are not your successes either – you are yourself and there’s no point in basing your judgment on failures and rejections.

Everyone has experienced it; you are not the first one.

This is another really important one. You are not the first person who experienced rejection. Sometimes we are so deeply focused on ourselves that we don’t think that our life and our experiences are potentially similar to other people’s. It’s useful to listen to what the others have to say about it. There are some outstanding examples of successful individuals who were able to build an amazing career on their failures. The best known is probably J.K. Rowling: her speech at Harvard University in 2008 is really inspiring and you might want to take a look at it to find the right mindset!


Cultivate your skills and interests.

A very good way to distract yourself from a rejection is to focus on you and on the things you like about yourself. Allow yourself to be sad, but remember that you also have amazing qualities and endless possibilities. Are you very good at drawing? Cultivate that interest. Do you like running? Go for a run. Have you always thought you have a talent for playing the piano? Nurture that skill.

Take a day off to do what makes you happy.

This is a practical one: do not stay in bed all day watching Netflix. Get up, wear your favourite dress and take a day off. Try not to look at your phone or laptop for the whole day – I can guarantee that’s really helpful. Put the world on hold for a day and do what you want. Take your best friend with you and do something that makes you truly happy. It doesn’t have to be crazy or huge – the smallest things are often the ones that make us the happiest. It could be going for breakfast in your favourite pancake place or stroll down your favourite street in town.

Try something completely new.

You tried and you got rejected, but who knows? You might be really good at something you never tried before. Therefore, I strongly recommend to try something new – a new sport, a new subject at uni, a new bar to meet new people.

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Be compassionate to yourself.

I once read this statement in a book: be kind to others and compassionate to yourself. I now try to practice it in my everyday life. It’s important to remember that you are the most important person in your life and therefore you need to treat you well when you overcome rejection.

Focus on the good things that surround you.

There are plenty of good things about your life, you just can’t see them at the moment because you are too focused on the ones that went wrong. Use this step to be able to overcome rejection.


Think about your next goal and do your best to achieve it.

This is the last step in overcoming your rejection: once you’ve acknowledged your qualities and tried something completely new, it’s time to find your next goal and keep trying until you don’t succeed. Write down a list of things you want to achieve and work hard!

How do you overcome rejection? Have ever tried one of this ways to leave it behind? Let us know by commenting below!
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