
10 Ways To Kick-Start Your Weight-Loss Journey

We’ve all been there. Lacking the motivation to get started, but still desperately trying to lose weight. A few things can help Kick Start your Weight-loss Journey. Here’s how to make some quick and easy lifestyle changes for your weight-loss journey.

1. Water

Water, water… and more water. I can’t stress this enough. Cut out all the soda and caramel frappucinos now. I mean it. Drinking sugary drinks is quite frankly a waste of calories, and even diet soda has experts backing the impact of aspartame on the body. Make water your drink of choice from now on, and aim to drink between 2.5 and 3 litres a day to shed those pounds.

2. Motivational Pictures

Keeping yourself motivated is extremely important. Follow fitness accounts on instagram, and watch workout routines on YouTube. Another helpful step is changing your wallpaper to your ideal body type, reminding yourself of your fitness goals whenever you look at your phone or laptop.

3. Green Tea

Proven to speed up metabolism, green tea has an array of positive effects, with weight-loss being one of its most helpful. Ginger tea also helps reduce bloating, so go ahead and grab yourself a glass.

4. A Good Workout Playlist

Nothing is more motivating than when an upbeat song comes on in the middle of a gruelling workout. Create a playlist specifically for when you’re headed to the gym, regularly update it so you don’t get bored of the routine.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar

Now, this one is probably the worst tasting of all. Make sure to get apple cider vinegar, with ‘The Mother’. Taking a shot every morning and night, or diluting with water will help you lose weight with minimal effort. There are also apple cider vinegar capsules, for those of us that can’t bare the taste.

6. Snacking (The Healthy Way)

It can be hard to not grab onto chocolate or sweets when going through a weight-loss journey. Have almonds, fruit or a protein bar to hand, just in case hunger strikes.

7. Cute Workout Clothes

Whenever you look good, ultimately you feel good too. Putting effort in what you wear to workout, even if it’s within the comfort of your own home, immediately changes your attitude.

See Also

8. Meal-Prep

Meal-prepping is loved by personal trainers and dieticians alike. Pre-empting your hunger and planning ahead ultimately saves time and money. It also reduces the likelihood that you’ll reach for pre-packaged, processed food.

9. A Diet/Fitness Buddy

Having someone there for you is important, especially when losing weight. Team up with friends you can confide in about your struggles, as well as share tips with.

10. Distractions

Whenever you feel the temptation to snack or give in to junk food, it can be hard to resist. Take up journalling, reading or a new hobby. Distractions are key when it comes to embarking on a fitness journey.

What keeps you motivated to stay on track with your weight-loss journey? Share your tips in the comments section!
Featured Image Source:
Louise Wheeler

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