
5 Ways To Get Motivated When Being Lazy Is All You Want To Do

Self-motivation is one of the hardest things to do when you just want to crawl into bed and watch Netflix all day. Thankfully, you’re not alone in feeling this way, everyone from students to CEO’s of companies has struggled with motivating themselves at some point in their lives. Whether it’s an exam you have to revise for or something menial like cleaning the bathroom, you’re going to have to do it at some point and that time is now. So here’s a list of ways to get motivated when you really just couldn’t be bothered.

Be realistic

When you’ve got a lot of things that need to get done, the amount of work that you need to do can be overwhelming, and it can lead to procrastination because you don’t know where to start. The best way to stop yourself from getting overwhelmed is to make a list of the things you need to do and prioritise what you need to do first. Make sure that when you’re making this list, that you’re being realistic about how much you can do on a certain day. Nothing is more demotivating than feeling like you’ve failed, so make sure you give yourself a realistic time frame to be able to get those things done.

Think positively

It’s easy to procrastinate something when it’s a job you don’t want to do. Changing your mindset can completely change the way you work, as the more positive we think about something the more likely we’re going to want to do it. This stops us from procrastinating as we do this to get a positive release. So instead of thinking about your chemistry revision as really hard, think about it as something you’re going to learn from and that you’ll grow from, that way it won’t seem as so much of a chore to do! There are many ways to get motivated, just find the ways that work for you!

Reward yourself

A quick way to motivate yourself is to reward yourself for achieving a goal. Yes, this level of conditioning is similar to how you’d train your dog, but it’s a very simply way of getting you off your ass and doing some work. The reward becomes a physical object which increases your sense of gratification that comes with completing the task, and it pushes yourself to get the work done quicker. You’re definitely going to work faster to complete your work project that day when you know you can meet your mates at the pub once it’s finished.

See Also

Get the hard stuff done first

Nothing feels better than getting something really difficult done and out of the way, then having the rest of the day to do the easier things. Getting the harder stuff done at the start of your day will make you feel a lot more motivated to be able to do the easier things later on.

Think about your past success

Make a list of the things in the past that you’ve succeeded at and why it made you feel good. Noting down those things will make you feel more positive about your work. It reminds you of what hard work can achieve and how it can make you feel. This can instantly make you feel better about the work you’re going to do and push you to get the work done.

What are your favorite ways to get motivated? Let us know in the comments below!
Featured image source:
Carmen Bellot

A small town girl living in a big city

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