Tattoos are becoming increasingly common in today’s society and if done well, by a talented and reputable artist, they can be beautiful pieces of artwork. However, in many workplaces tattoos remain a taboo issue and depending on where you work and the type of job you do, your tattoos may have to be covered up. Some tattoos may even prevent you from finding work in the first place, particularly if they are in areas which are always visible such as your neck, face or hands. It is therefore a good idea to think ahead when getting tattoos, considering the impact of their placement before going ahead. However, many can be easily hidden when needed using one of these 5 ways to cover your tattoos at work:
If your tattoo is relatively small, it might be coverable with jewellery. Many wrist tattoos for instance, can be hidden with bracelets, watches or cuffs. Just make sure that the band or strap is tight enough so that it doesn’t slip down and reveal your tattoo mid-shift! Rings can also be used in a similar way to cover finger tattoos, although those with large gemstones may not be practical to wear at work, therefore a wide band style would be more suitable.
If your tattoo is located on the back of your neck or behind your ear, your hair is your best friend when it comes to hiding your tattoos for work. For women with long hair, tattoos in these locations can be covered by wearing your hair down, in a low ponytail or to one side if you have a tattoo located behind one ear only. For men with head tattoos, as long as their head isn’t shaved or their hair trimmed really short, their hair should easily cover their tattoos and a thick beard may help to disguise a face or neck tattoo.
Depending on the location of your tattoo, your clothing may cover your artwork anyway. Tattoos anywhere on the torso such as on the back, hips or ribs, as well as the thighs, will be covered by most work outfits. You may need to wear trousers instead of skirts if you have lower leg tattoos or tops that cover your shoulders if you have a tattoo at the top of your arm, which are simple changes to make. For more visible tattoos, there are several options for ways to cover your tattoos at work. Long sleeved tops and cardigans can be worn to cover sleeve tattoos and scarves, collared shirts or turtle necks can be worn to cover neck and chest tattoos. Socks, tights, enclosed shoes or boots can also be worn to cover both ankle and foot tattoos for work.
Ways to cover your tattoos at work for those who have short sleeved uniforms but are required to hide their tattoos for work. Cover-up sleeves give you the option to cover your arms, without the need to wear a long-sleeved top underneath your uniform, which is particularly useful in the warmer months. They can be bought cheaply online through websites such as Ebay and are usually offered in either black or nude colour. Cover-up sleeves come in different lengths and are worn on the arms to cover arm tattoos including full or half sleeves. If you want a different colour or something specifically designed to protect you from the sun, you can also look at cover-up sleeves designed for sports such as cycling which also work to disguise visible tattoos.
There are many tattoo concealers on the market and they are particularly useful for covering very visible tattoos in areas such as the face, hands, neck and chest, which aren’t easily hidden by everyday clothing. Tattoo concealer is also useful for covering tattoos for special occasions such as weddings, where you may not want them on show in an outfit you want to wear. Tubes of specialist cover-up makeup such as Dermacol can be purchased online for under £10 and work well for hiding tattoos. They come in various shades to match your skin tone and can be layered depending on how the dark the tattoo your covering is. You should blend the concealer well, so that the disguise is as discreet as possible and once dry, it should not rub off on clothing, will be waterproof and should last the day.
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