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8 Ways IGTV Will Change The Game For Creators And Potentially YouTube

8 Ways IGTV Will Change The Game For Creators And Potentially YouTube

If you're wondering about IGTV, check out what the new Instagram feature could possibly mean for the future of creators and YouTube!
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IGTV is a new long-form video feature that has been added to Instagram and also as a stand-alone app. This app features full screen, hour long videos which has been created to resemble your TV. The channels are creators, but absolutely anyone can create their own channel. Co-founder of Instagram Mike Krieger says about IGTV “People are in different mind sets at different times. That’s why we also built it as a separate app, because we wanted something where when you’re in the mood for watching long-form, you have something that will give you exactly that.”

The launch of this application has created an alternative platform for creators to further their interaction with their audience and target new viewers in addition to the YouTube platform, it is focused on the content of creators as you must either be a verified or large account to upload hour long content, which some believe will be damaging for the relationship between creators and YouTube. We are going to go through the 8 ways IGTV will change the game for creators and potentially YouTube.

1. Instant Content

IGTV makes it even easier for creators to make instant content for their fans, all from the comfort of their own phone. There’s no need for the extra fuss of grabbing a super snazzy high quality camera and ring lighting for the perfect video setup, unless you really want to of course. Alternatively if you are going for a super high tech video, then creators can upload on the web at


2. Candid Content

This new feature gives creators the opportunity to create more authentic and candid content which is more naturalistic rather than staged, rehearsed or heavily edited. Not to say that their won’t be videos with those properties, but it promotes a more relaxed form of content where fans can engage and connect with creators on a more personal basis.

3. Brand Collaborations

The IGTV feature gives creators the opportunity to collaborate with brands on their IGTV channels which could be great exposure and could be more engaging for viewers to watch, in comparison to promotional advertisements that pop up in the middle of YouTube videos, which may I add is beyond irritating especially when you’re really getting locked into what you’re watching.

4. Vertical Content

IGTV is a platform which is designed for vertical video content as “it’s built for how you actually use your phone” stated by Co-founder & CEO Kevin Systrom. As a result creators will have to create alternative content for the platform as the video has to be vertical, which is different from most platforms such as YouTube and everyday TV which is horizontal. I guess this is a clever marketing strategy to make IGTV unique from YouTube and other platforms.


5. Potential Monetization

Instagram hasn’t yet confirmed any form of monetize for the content produced on IGTV, however they are exploring their options for monetization of creator content including the potential of ad revenue shares, so don’t worry creators you should be getting your check very soon.

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6. Multi-purpose Platform

With the additional feature of IGTV, Instagram has now become a multi-purpose platform where creators are able to create a range of different content to connect with their audience on the one platform. They are able to use Instagram conventionally to post aesthetically appealing pictures or short videos, as well as, add real-time content to their stories throughout the day or go live and now IGTV. These advances in the platform may make it easy for creators to neglect other platforms such as Snapchat and YouTube because of the features on Instagram.


7. Competition

YouTube is known for being the home of creators and influencers and with the launch of IGTV, this could be detrimental to the progression of the YouTube platform, as creators now have the option to choose from the two platforms, this could reduce the amount of content published on YouTube.

8. Higher Demand

Of course IGTV means that creators are going to have a high demand as their fans are going to expect them to maintain creating frequent content on all platforms that is different from what they have previously viewed before and this can be a lot of work for a one person, we appreciate your hard work creators.

What do you think about IGTV? Let us know in the comments down below!

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