Choosing a pet is a big deal. While cats and dogs are classic pet choices, there are plenty of other furry, feathered and scaly pals you can choose. Here are eight unusual pets who could become your new best friend!
These adorable rodents take a lot of patience and dedication, so they are by no means a low-effort pet. However, if you make the time for them, they will make a fantastic friend. They are lively and energetic and can live for up to 20 years! They are also nocturnal creatures, which is perfect if you are a night owl. If you live in a noisy flat, however, you should probably wait until you move somewhere quieter before adopting a chinchilla as their large ears are very sensitive to loud noises.
Lots of people are afraid of snakes, but they actually make great pets! There are a lot of different snake breeds and they all have their own personalities and requirements, so do some research first and find the one that best suits you. Once you have your snake, you should keep them in a vivarium where they can roam around and munch their food. Snakes are great for people who do not have lots of free time as they are perfectly content to stay in their tank all day and amuse themselves. Just make sure you secure the lid properly as they are very talented escape artists!
Sadly (or perhaps thankfully!) real chipmunks do not sing the way they to in Alvin & The Chipmunks – but they are really sweet unusual pets! Chipmunks are actually a type of squirrel, making them energetic and fast. Whilst it may take a while before they become comfortable with you, chipmunks are friendly and enjoy spending time sitting on their human’s shoulder. They are very social animals, so make sure to adopt more than one and give them a nice big wheel to run around on!
Rats may sound like very unusual pets, but domesticated rats are clean and completely safe to keep in your home. Rats love to exercise, so they will want to run around your house during the day. It is important that you rat-proof your house to keep them from getting hurt. Rats are very friendly and like being carried around inside your jumper. They will need other rats for company, but you should think about keeping them in same-sex pairs unless you want a herd of rat babies running around!
You may never have heard of these unusual pets, but they are becoming more common. The axolotl is a type of salamander and is also known as the Mexican walking fish. They are very tame, but can not interact with owners – so do not get one if you want a pet you can play with. However, if you are looking for a pet which requires less effort, an axolotl may be the pet for you! It is important you do not house more than one in a tank, though, as they may attack each other.
A degu is a cute rodent which is related to guinea pigs and chinchillas. A degu in captivity will live for five to nine years, so it will keep you company for a good while. These feisty little creatures love to run around and dig through the hay in their cage, making them lots of fun to watch. They need other degus for companionship but would prefer degus of their own gender, otherwise, they might fight.
If furry pets are not your thing, you might prefer this reptilian pal. The bearded dragon is a lizard which has become a really popular pet in the UK. Like snakes, they will live in a vivarium and will like having some rocks and branches to climb on. They have a lifespan of around ten to fifteen years, but can live longer than that – perfect if you are looking for a longtime commitment!
Finally, if you are looking for a feathered friend, you cannot get any better than the African Grey. These beautiful birds are the most intelligent parrots in the world and will develop an extensive vocabulary. If you want a pet you can have a conversation with, this is the one for you. Just be careful when you leave them at home alone as there have been reports of them ordering all sorts of things through the Amazon Echo!
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