University of Nottingham To Do List: Winter Edition

First term is wrapping itself up neatly, leaving you to balance relaxation and hard work during this upcoming winter break. This, along with the long nights and short days, can leave you feeling a little worse for wear. Set aside some time for yourself and see how many items you can check off the University of Nottingham To Do List: Winter Edition!
1. Venture into Winter Wonderland
Obviously, this had to be first. The Nottingham Winter Wonderland should be considered a tradition. Stroll through the Christmas Market and try some of the incredible food selection. Looking for a unique present? You’ll find it here. The market is incredibly diverse and is made up of independent designers and and businesses, so spend some time supporting them! Simply seeing the lights will lift your spirits. Bundle up, take a friend, and enjoy! The Nottingham Winter Wonderland is located in the city centre, entry to the grounds are free, and tickets for the ice skating rink and ice bar are available online and on-site. It is on through Nov. 17th – Dec. 31st.
2. Take in a live performance.
Watching a live performance allows you to immerse yourself in another world or someone else’s life. This winter, Nottingham Lakeside Arts is inviting you to immerse yourself in the world of Black Beauty, performed by the Red Bridge Arts & Traverse Theatre Company. If you’ve got family visiting you in Nottingham this winter, this is a great show to see! Performances are on Dec. 9th – Dec. 31st, school performances take place between Dec. 12th – Dec. 22nd, and British Sign Language interpreted performances are on the 22nd of December.
If Black Beauty just isn’t your thing, check out the live events hosted by Savoy Cinema. Savoy Cinema is a favorite among students for their great prices and cosy theatres. Savoy screens live events, including ballets, operas, and live theatre. Take in the Royal Shakespeare Company performing Twelfth Night (Feb. 14th), watch the Bolshoi Ballet perform Romeo and Juliet (Jan. 21st), or watch the Royal Ballet perform a season classic, The Nutcracker (Dec. 5th and 10th). Check out their live events page to find other events along with times and prices.
3. Flat/Group Gift Exchange
Grab a group of friends or flatmates, set a maximum price, and have fun! A gift exchange is a fun and simple activity to take part in with people you care about. It’s a really easy and fun way to appreciate someone.
4. See the UoN Revival Gospel Choir perform
The University of Nottingham Revival Gospel Choir’s Christmas performance is a must see! They have fantastic voices, unique song choices, and fairly priced tickets. Everyone could use a bit of harmonizing around the holidays. See them perform on the 8th and 9th of December at Lenton Methodist Church at 7.30pm. They will also be performing at St. Mary’s church for the Uni Christmas Carol Service at 7pm! Check out their Facebook page to find out where you can purchase your ticket.
5. Christmas Lights Switch On
The very last Christmas Lights Switch On seems to be in Beeston. It’s happening December 2nd at 5 p.m., with fireworks at 6:30 p.m. Being there when the lights switch on is great, but don’t worry if you miss it. Take some time to walk around some part of the city and really feel the festivity. And yes, you’re talking to someone who has many positive feelings about holiday festivity.
6. Volunteer
Volunteering should never be reserved for one time throughout the year. But, many students find themselves with more time on their hands during the holidays. If you have a passion for knitting, no matter the skill level, join Knit-a-Soc. When they’re not working on personal projects, you can find them knitting charity projects, such as preemie baby hats, blankets and octopi, and toys for refugee children. They release a magazine with articles and patterns each term, for those who aren’t able to attend meetings.
They have a number of events this December, including a Christmas Knit and Knatter session on December 14th. Check out their Facebook page for more details! If you have a knack for gift wrapping, volunteer at Toys R Us with Rainbows Hospice for Children and Young People. They are looking for volunteers on the 16th, 17th, and 18th of December to wrap gifts! And you can always check out our Students’ Union website for more volunteering opportunities. This is a beautiful opportunity for University of Nottingham students.
7. Watch UoN compete!
Heading out to support UoN is never a bad idea…unless you’re missing a lecture. Take some time this winter to watch the #GreenandGold continue to compete (read: dominate) in the Premier Squash League. We’re up against Pontefract on January 9th, 2018 and against Warwick on February 27th, 2018.
8. Check out Bamalamasingsong
If you’ve ever sang to thousands of adoring fans through your bathroom mirror, you should check out Bamalamasingsong. There will be a live band, but, the audience acts as the lead singer! You’ll hear hits, both old and new, at this event, with a live DJ to go on later. Head down to Southbank City Bar on December 31st between 8:30 p.m. and 2 a.m.
9. Attend a hall/society ball or Christmas dinner.
Grab the chance to forget about the studying and packing ahead of you. It’s around this time of year that a lot of societies and halls roll out the red carpet for students. Spend some time with friends before the break begins! Stay up to date on who’s throwing what by checking out the UoN Students’ Union’s Event Page.
What are you excited about for the holidays? Did I miss something? Either way, let me know!
Let us know what you think about University of Nottingham in the comments below!
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I love airport style, The Office (US), and my large family. Pharmacy student at University of Nottingham.