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8 Unique Ways To Have Quinoa For Breakfast

8 Unique Ways To Have Quinoa For Breakfast

Check out these unique recipes to have quinoa for breakfast! These recipes will make for a hearty and healthy breakfast for you to start the day!

It’s crazy how quinoa has quickly become the trendiest way to fill your whole grain daily quota. Quinoa is such a thing now that it is literally taking over restaurant menus, food blogs and social media. You can’t avoid getting hungry with all the Pinterest boards and Instagram tags that are all about quinoa . But, unexpectedly, quinoa is not just a trend that is enjoyed with launch menu; eating quinoa for breakfast is the latest trend. Whether you normally go for a sweeten breakfast or you are for salty breakfast, you will surely appreciate discovering the taste of quinoa for breakfast. So, here are 8 unique ways to have quinoa for breakfast.

1.Fresh fruit and quinoa yoghurt bowl

A really nice and creative quinoa breakfast would be paring this whole grain seed with fresh in-season fruit and Greek natural yoghurt. If you can’t find any of your favourite fruit available at the supermarket, you could get some frozen peaches or strawberries, defrost them in the microwave then throw them in a bowl together with the quinoa and your favourite yoghurt.

2.Quinoa pesto with eggs

This tasty breakfast is really easy to make, it takes literally less than 2o minutes. So, your main ingredients for this recipe will be: quinoa, eggs, pesto, salt and pepper. Your delicious breakfast will be ready in 3 simple steps: cook some quinoa, poach an egg or two and voilà, your mouth watering quinoa breakfast is done


3.Banana quinoa bars

Quinoa bars are a good and quick breakfast to have on the go for those of us who are always busy rushing up and down. The taste of the Quinoa will be naturally sweetened by the bananas or you could add some extra sweetness with chocolate chips and honey.

4.Strawberry quinoa pancakes

Pancakes for breakfast! Is there anything better than this? People are choosing quinoa pancakes over the regular flour pancakes and they are literally loving it. Once your pancakes are freshly cooked, garnish with fresh strawberries and pancake syrup. Mmm delish!

5.Chocolate quinoa porridge

Everyone loves chocolate. Especially if it’s for breakfast, the most important meal of the day. For this recipe, you just need to cook the quinoa, as you would prepare an oatmeal. Then once it’s cooked and ready, you could either add chocolate chips to your creamy quinoa and make the heat melt the chocolate. Or, another option would be melting a chocolate bar separately in the microwave or on a pot, then gently adding it to the pre-cooked quinoa.

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6.Apple and banana quinoa muffins

With an apple and banana quinoa muffin, you could get 2 out of your 5 a day portion of fruit and vegetables, just with your breakfast. Fresh fruit is definitely better and will make you muffins softer and tastier, but don’t worry too much as dried or frozen fruit will also be fine.

7.Quinoa avocado bowl

Avocados. Avocados everywhere. They are literally everywhere and they seem to taste good on everything, including a plain and simple ingredient like quinoa. And it’s healthy so a quinoa and avocado breakfast bowl is definitely a unique way to kick start your day.


8.Quinoa Hash browns

Another quinoa recipe that you could enjoy for breakfast, launch, snack and even dinner. This recipe is perfect for a Sunday brunch with your family and is great if you want to show off your culinary skills. The instructions to make good and tasty hash browns are pretty straight forward: mix pre-cooked quinoa with egg, grated potato, pepper and salt. Take small portions of this mixture and flatten them out into a frying pan. Then cook them for 5-7 minutes on both sides until you obtain that golden colour which means that your hash browns are now ready to be served.

Have you ever tried having quinoa for breakfast? Let us know in a comment below!

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