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The Ultimate Uni Packing List For Freshers

The Ultimate Uni Packing List For Freshers

If you are getting ready to head off to University, check out this ultimate uni packing list for freshers! You don't want to forget these items!

Congratulations! You’ve got into university! So now you’ve got to leave home and move into a shitty flat with people you’ve never met before. So here is our helping hand, the ultimate uni packing list for freshers!


1. Laptop

A laptop is essential for university life, you can watch tv on it, catch up on social media and of course, complete your university assignments.


2. Clothes

University can be a fashion show, but bring clothes that you feel comfortable in. You’ll need clothes for going out, going to university, doing exercise, general day clothing, and most importantly clothes to be lazy in. They may be obvious but definitely important to include on the uni packing list for freshers!

3. Winter Coat


If you’re moving out of your hometown then the weather is likely to be different from what you’re used to and you should be prepared with a good coat.

4. Shoes

Again, like with clothes you need shoes for more than one occasion. As for going out shoes, it’s now advisable to bring an old pair of trainers to go to not so nice clubs in.


5. Bedding

Most Uni halls will give you a single bed, so you will need a single duvet cover and pillow cases.

6. Duvet


Halls will not be heated in the same way your mum or dad’s house was. Heating is usually on a timer that you can’t control. So be smart and bring a thick and warm duvet, maybe a 13.5 tog.

7. Pillows

You want to be comfortable, so bring pillows, bring cushions! Have a bed that you can just flop into!


8. Mattress Topper

Most halls mattresses are crap. They’re springy and old, so bring a mattress topper and ensure you get a god nights sleep. This is super important to include on your ultimate uni packing list for freshers!

9. Blanket


Halls is usually a bit cold and dingy, so bring a blanket to keep yourself cosy. You can also use it when you’re having a movie night with your new house mates. – David Attenborough usually brings a new house together.

10. Photographs

Having photographs up in your room usually makes you feel a little less homesick and helps you to remember all your friends and family back home. These are nice to include on the uni packing list for freshers because they allow you to have a piece of home with you!


11. Books

Screens are great and all, but nothing beats cosying down and just reading for a little bit. Reading is a great escape from all the sudden new pressures of university life.

12. Posters


Halls usually have breeze block walls and horrible pale walls. So bringing posters will help to brighten up your walls and cover your room with your personality.

13. Coat Hangers

You’ll want to hang your clothes up to keep them neat and tidy.


Over Door Hangers

Halls rooms don’t usually have very much storage, so bringing over door hangers will give you a little bit more to hang coats or towels or anything.



Speakers are always needed in halls, if not for personal use then for the whole flat to listen to when having pre-drinks before going out. The better the music, the better the pres.

14. Laundry basket 

Most Halls have a laundry room, so you need a basket to carry all of your laundry to and from. This is definitely important to include on a uni packing list for freshers!


15. Sewing kit 

You might be a novice at sewing, but mummy isn’t there anymore. So learn! Sewing is easy and will save you from throwing out that shirt that got ripped on a night out.


1. Toothbrush and Toothpaste



2. Soap

You don’t want to be the smelly one.


3. Shampoo

No, Uni doesn’t mean you can stop washing your hair.

4. Conditioner 


See above.

5. Deodorant

Again, you don’t want to be the smelly room mate.


6. Razor 

This one isn’t so much essential, but a helpful reminder.

7. Towels 


It would be awkward if you just walked through your flat naked after every shower. Definitely important to have these on a uni packing list for freshers!

8. Wash sponge

The soap has got to go somewhere.


9. Toilet paper

Need I even explain?

10. Condoms 


Better to be safe than sorry… You never know what’s going to happen at freshers.

11. Paracetamol 

You really don’t want all of those freshers headaches ruining your first week.


12. Ibuprofen 

Someone in your flat will fall and hurt themselves, it’s part of moving out for the first time. Definitely good to have these on a uni packing list for freshers!

13. Plasters 


There will be cuts, it’s your first time away from home, just be prepared.

14.  Make Up

Glitter is essential for everybody.



1. Plates 

You can just eat out of pans, it’s up to you.

2. Cutlery 

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This is essential for you to actually eat the food you make.

3. Pans 


You will need to cook to survive.

4. Knifes 

Please be careful… Knives can be sharp.


5. Tupperware 

It’s sometimes a great idea to make too much food and save some for the next days. This is definitely something to include on a uni packing list for freshers!

6. Baking tray 


When you come in drunk, having a baking tray is essential to shove your nuggets or garlic bread onto. (Please drink and cook responsibly)

7. Chopping board 

You really don’t want to chop straight onto the surfaces… You’ll learn why in time.



1. Pack of Cards

Drinking games. There are so many that involve cards.

2. ID


You want to go out right? Just for one drink?

3. Important Documents

This includes things such as old payslips, national insurance number, the information about your course and halls. It should all be safely stored and hidden somewhere.


4. Student Cards

There are so many amazing discounts that you can get with NUS or Unidays so bring them!

5. Headphones


People can be too much, so shut them out occasionally! Definitely a good idea to include these on the ultimate packing list for freshers!

6. Camera

You’ll want to remember your first year. I promise.


7. Notebook

You do actually have to go to Uni unfortunately.

8. Pens


Again, lectures and seminars do exist.

9. Binder

You might want to look after your notes.


10. Lighter

Candles, incense, that friend who smokes and always forgets their lighter.

11. Board Game


Board games are a great way to make easy friends with your new flat mates. Just don’t flip the board. Monopoly can be a little destructive.

What other things would you include on a ultimate uni packing list for freshers? Let us know in the comments below!

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