10 People You’ll Always Run Into At The University Of Wolverhampton

When you’re in Uni the feeling of time is completely relative, because you feel like…

What To Do Around Staffordshire University When You’re Broke AF
What To Do Around Staffordshire University When You’re Broke AF

University is expensive, but enjoying your spare time doesn’t have to be. Now, We all…

The classic stages of a one night stand involve spotting your prospect, avoiding the person for weeks afterwards. Here are the stages of a one night stand.
The 20 Stages Of A One Night Stand

Ahh the good old one night stand. Whatever your reason, everyone does it. No we’re…

Like any good fresher will tell you, uni isn’t something you can prepare for. Here are things no one tells you about your first year at Durham University!
20 Things No One Tells You About Your First Year At Durham University

Like any good fresher will tell you, uni isn’t something you can prepare for. Be…

There are plenty of ways to save during your study abroad experience. Keep reading for 5 tips for studying abroad on a budget!
5 Tips For Studying Abroad On A Budget

As I am due to begin my semester studying abroad in the next couple of…