Going to university can be an exciting time; the prospect of a new town, new…
Packing and organising everything you need to bring to uni can be stressful. You don’t…
Spending four years (at least) in the same place might seem like a little bit…
Most of us reach that point in the semester where we’ve got little more than…
Coming to University can be a scary thing. Before you embark on this incredibly daunting…
So you’ve either decided to go to university, or you are considering the idea. You’ve…
Arguably, UEA’s campus is one of the most aesthetically pleasing in the U.K. We have…
Studying in London may seem all fun and games (and it is) but there are…
Are you wondering about the first year flats and dorms at Royal Holloway? Royal Holloway…
Nottingham has SO. MUCH. FOOD. If you struggle with making decisions then eating in Notts…