Playing a musical instrument is not only fun but has loads of health benefits too! Here are some reasons why you should learn!
Why You Should Learn How To Play A Musical Instrument

There are so many musical instruments out there, yet we often view the idea of…

University of Glasgow is a huge and beautiful campus, filled with a wide range of people. That being said, here are some of those people!
10 People You’ll Always Run Into At University of Glasgow

University of Glasgow is a pretty big campus! At the heart of the west end,…

Contacting Your New Flatmate For The First Time

If you haven’t already, pretty soon you’ll be finding out who your flatmate is going…

University is choas, so adding sex into the mix only makes the experience more complicated.Here are some tips and important points about sex in university.
Everything You Need To Know About Sex In University

University can be a challenging time for anyone being young and placed in a new…

If you're heading off to university and want to decorate your dorm, here are some ideas for how to make your dorm room fancy AF on a uni budget!
How To Make Your Dorm Room Fancy AF On A Student Budget

Feeling comfy, cozy and relaxed in your new dorm room is super important, especially as…

Coping with loneliness at Uni can be a tough thing to tackle. However, we've put together a list of ways that will make it a little easier!
10 Ways To Combat Loneliness At Uni

University is sold to you like a lucrative five-star holiday package. It is said that…

Heading back to campus in Fall 2018? Take a look at these great laptops for uni students! They are both affordable and dependable.
We Found The Best Laptops For Uni Students This Year

To think that 25 years ago students wouldn’t have their own laptops is a mind…

Many outstanding people graduated from Leeds. Here's 15 famous alumni from University of Leeds including athletes, singers, presenters, and meteorologists.
15 Famous Alumni From University of Leeds

Many outstanding people graduated from University of Leeds. I am introducing 15 famous alumni including…

How To Balance A Relationship And Uni Stress
How To Balance A Relationship And Uni Stress

You know what’s stressful? University. You know what’s also stressful? Being in a relationship. If…