These are the best internships to do if you're studying English, and you're lost as to what to where to apply! Almost every student who goes to university interns somewhere, but English can be a bit more broad. Here's the best English based internships!
The Best Internships To Do If You’re Studying English

It’s not easy these days to be guaranteed a job straight out of university; people…

Uni parties are no doubt a blast but it can be confusing trying to follow all the fun. Here's an ultimate guide to the University of Birmingham party scene!
Everything You Need To Know About The University Of Birmingham Party Scene

Partying. It will probably take up about half of your time at uni, no lie.…

Being an English major comes with a lot of ups and downs. Here are some things that only people who studied English literature can understand!
10 Things You’ll Only Understand If You’re An English Major

There’s nothing like the power of the written word, right? Before university, you were the…

From giving your self personal time to do what you enjoy to spending time with others, here are 6 ways to look after your mental health at university!
6 Ways To Look After Your Mental Health Whilst At University

It’s that time again where students from all over the world will be going to…

Study tips for students in crisis! Make sure your study time is effective and enjoyable with these words of advice - we tried them, it works!
Quit Struggling Through Semester With These 5 Helpful Study Tips

If you’re struggling through the semester, you’ve come to the right place to procrastinate, or…

The Ultimate Dorm Room Guide For All New Students

College is a really exciting time of your life, probably the first time you are…

10 Things To Buy In Preparation For Halls
10 Things To Buy In Preparation For Halls

Preparation for halls requires a checklist. There are a good number of things you are…

Balancing your studies with the added pressure of actually looking after yourself can be exhausting. Whether you're a fresher or a finalist, here is what you need to know as a uni student.
What You Need To Know As A Uni Student

University can be tough, there’s no denying it. Balancing your studies with the added pressure…

8 Great College Party Themes That Will Leave Everyone Speechless
4 Great College Party Themes That Will Leave Everyone Speechless

Even if people deny it, everyone – and I mean everyone – loves a themed…

20 Life Hacks All Students Living In Halls Need To Know

I’m all about making life easier and I’m sure you are too. Unfortunately, we can’t…