Here is a list of eight different types of girls you will meet at Bath Spa university, can you spot you and your friends?
8 Different Types Of Girls You’ll Meet At Bath Spa University

You could be bath spa alumni, currently, study there or maybe you’re deciding to go…

Transforming your uni dorm room into the ultimate home away from home has never been easier with these 6 must-have decor pieces!
6 Uni Dorm Must-Haves To Create A Home Away From Home

Transforming your uni dorm from a shabby, plain room into an incredibly homely, blissful home…

Are you looking for a list of the best travel websites for students? Well, look no further! These good websites are perfect for university students and someone who's on a budget! If you want a vacation for cheap, these are the top places to go!
The Best Travel Websites For A Student On A Budget

So you’re a student looking to get away, it’s always nice to travel and enjoy…

7 Ways To Ace Your A Levels

Anyone who has to take their A Levels understands that this is no easy task.…

There are lots of ups and downs to having a long distance best friend. If you don't get to see your BFF often, here are signs it's long distance!
15 Signs You Have A Long Distance Best Friend

Your wifey-for-lifey can either live 3 hours or 3 days away, but that doesn’t matter…

Don’t worry, guys, decorating your dorm room isn’t hard. It's super easy if you follow these tips. Soon your dorm room will be everyone’s favourite hangout.
Guys Dorm Room Decor Ideas That Any Man Will Applaud

Don’t worry, guys, decorating your dorm room isn’t hard. If you find the right products,…

Are you looking to get a new phone but you're on a thigt budget? Here are the top 4 budget smartphones everyone needs to know!
Top 4 Budget Smartphones Everyone Needs To Know

With inflation rates rising and our economies failing, phone prices have gone over the roofs.…

Take a look at the most important reasons and benefits or being multilingual! From travel excursions to global business, learning a second language is key.
The 10 Notable Benefits Of Being Multilingual You Need To Know

Many people are put off from learning a foreign language from a young age, after…

The Ultimate Guide To The Party Scene at UCLan

The party scene at UCLan is something that should not be missed, with a student…