Here are a list of university living expenses to prepare you for university! Are you heading over to university soon? Check out this list to help you out!
The University Living Expenses You Didn’t Expect

University is hellishly expensive – on top of the roughly £9000 many students are paying…

Millennials are used to technology, but they have problems when it comes to finances. Here are financial apps every university student needs to use.
10 Financial Apps Every University Student Needs To Use

Millennials are used to technology, but they have problems when it comes to finances. And…

Looking for the best credit cards for students? These are the top cards you can apply for with no credit or even bad credit, and not get denied! Whether you're an international student or based in the UK, these credit cards are the ones to use.
These Are The Best Credit Cards For Students

Maybe you are thinking about getting a credit card, or perhaps you are thinking: “Who…

Check out these things you will definitely relate to if you spent your childhood growing up with an unusual name that no one else had.
10 Things You’ll Relate To If You’re Growing Up With An Unusual Name

Years of people getting your name wrong and so many nicknames you’ve lost track. Growing…

Are you a student at Birmingham University? This list compiles all the things that will happen to you at this uni and why you'll love it so much. 
15 Things That Will Only Happen To You At Birmingham University

Are you a student at Birmingham University? This list compiles all the things that will…

Before you become an Oxford Brookes Fresher, it's important to not make these common mistakes that EVERY new student makes at University.
20 Mistakes Every Oxford Brookes’ Fresher Makes

Oxford Brookes, the home of amazing sports teams, incredible campuses and one of the most…

As the capital of culture in Europe, Liverpool is full of all kinds of dating adventures. Here's cheap, fun date ideas near Liverpool John Moores University.
15 Cheap And Fun Date Ideas Near Liverpool John Moores University

Liverpool is a vibrant, busy city. Previously named the capital of culture in Europe, there…

Nancy Rothwell, the vice chancellor of the University of Manchester, needs to hear what students have to say in regards to our education.
An Open Letter To Nancy Rothwell: Vice Chancellor Of University Of Manchester

Dear Nancy Rothwell, On the 21st August the Tab exclusively revealed that members of UCU…

If you attend the University of Kent then you'll definitely run into these types of people. And if you haven't yet then will.
10 People You’ll Always Run Into At University of Kent

Every university has their own set of unique students with unique personalities. Kind of like…

Can't stop procrastinating but have an upcoming deadline? Here are five tips to stop putting off your work and start doing it.
How To Stop Procrastinating During Deadline Season

Procrastination is an activity that comes easily to many of us, especially during this time…