If you are off to university, you are most probably bringing a lot of things with you from home. Unfortunately,…
Moving away from home and living in student accommodation for university with people you've never met before can be quite…
Dorm room or prison cell? When you first move in you might not be able to tell the difference, but…
Having a space for yourself that allows you to escape from the world is something we all need. Check out…
Maybe you are starting uni in the new school year, or maybe you are just bored of playing ring of…
Small rooms and living with a minimalistic approach are important these days, because with our growing population, we need to…
In my first year, I lived in my university’s halls. By chance, I was allocated in a flat with 5…
Living in a dorm can be a surreal and wild experience. It’s hard to pinpoint exactly what to expect because…
Your dorm room is only yours for a certain amount of time, but that's no reason not to make yourself…
Finding dorm room wall art that isn't the same old posters you've had since you were 12 can be hard…