
Check out these things you will definitely relate to if you spent your childhood growing up with an unusual name that no one else had.
10 Things You’ll Relate To If You’re Growing Up With An Unusual Name

Years of people getting your name wrong and so many nicknames you’ve lost track. Growing…

What Happens On Uni Enrolment Day
What Happens On Uni Enrolment Day

University officially starts on enrolment day. Processing that exact thought, as an immature, young eighteen-year-old…

Having a moving checklist can really help make your moving process to uni easier as a first year student! Here are all the things you'll need!
The Essential Moving Checklist That All First Year Uni Students Need

Having a moving checklist is important. Figuring out what to pack when you first move…

If you're looking for new student housemates, then look no further than your zodiac sign! We'll tell you your perfect housemate!
How To Resolve Arguments With Your Fresher Year Roommate

As we settle into university halls, surrounded by new people living under one roof, things…

20 Tips For First Year Students
20 Tips For First Year Students

Heading off to uni can be intimidating (and also incredibly exciting). To ease any nerves…

This list will show you why the University College London is one of the most fun unis to attend! You will want to go once you read this!
15 Reasons Why University College London Is One Of The Most Fun Unis To Go To

Even if you don’t attend UCL, chances are you’ve probably heard of it – it’s…

Freshers week at Warwick is an exciting time. Here are some of things I wish I knew before I entered the wonderful purple and geese-filled bubble.
10 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Went To Freshers Week At Warwick Coventry

Freshers week at Warwick (or two weeks ) can be a fun and confusing time for…

In the beautiful welsh capital, it can be scary starting out as a new fresher. So here's 20 things no one tells you about first year at Cardiff University.
20 Things No One Tells You About First Year At Cardiff University

At the heart of the beautiful welsh capital is the wonderful Cardiff University. Home to…