Campus Life

This article will provide you with an inside look at the absolute best places to cry at Nottingham Trent University! Believe me, you might need to know!
The Best Places To Cry At Nottingham Trent University When You Just Can’t Deal

Exams, essays, a bunch of deadlines and all that hard stuff. Even the strongest people…

There are so many things no one tells you about your first year at the University of East London. From going to Asda to pizza delivery, students can relate.
20 Things No One Tells You About Your First Year At The University of East London

Studying in London may seem all fun and games (and it is) but there are…

So you're making a college checklist to move to college, but what to take?!? Here is my list of college essentials for anyone living in a dorm.
Ultimate College Checklist For College Dorms And Campus Living

So you’re moving to college and you don’t even know where to start with the…

Dorm accessories don't have to be basic. Here are our top choices to create a chic and cozy dorm room that you won't want to leave.
25 Dorm Accessories That Aren’t Basic

Looking for an easy way to liven up your dorm room? We’ve got you covered.…

15 Famous Alumni From University of Hertfordshire

If you are a current student, soon to be Herts Freshman or Alumni, you will…

If you have ever experience the stuggle in this list then you must be a business major! Check this out if it's true or not with your friends
10 Struggles Only Business Students Will Understand

Student. Being a student means you have to deal with tons of studying struggles already.…

There are so many cheap and fun date ideas near the University of South Wales that are romantic without breaking our uni student budget.
15 Cheap And Fun Date Ideas Near The University Of South Wales

Being a student is not a luxurious lifestyle. Everyone knows this. But don’t let your…

Moving into uni and living with random people a.k.a your new housemates can be tough, especially at first. Here are some tips for getting along with yours!
6 Tips For Getting Along With Your Housemates

  University throws a lot of very different people together. You will most likely meet…

These are the definite signs you go to Southampton Solent University! Take a peak at these relatable traits of any alumni.
20 Signs You Go To Southampton Solent University

If you are currently a student at Southampton Solent University or have been, you will…