Uni Life

8 Memes That Accurately Describe University Life

8 Memes That Accurately Describe University Life

You will experience all sorts of emotions at uni, and there is nothing more relatable than a meme. The online…

2 years ago

15 Easy Ways To Avoid The Dreaded Freshman 15

Have you heard horror stories about moving to Uni and piling on the dreaded Freshman 15? Or have you noticed…

2 years ago

20 Signs You Go To UCA Epsom

There’s usually some tell tale signs you attend a creative industry university whether it’s the way you act, the clothes…

2 years ago

What Not To Pack For Uni

When you move away from home for the first time as a fresher, you won’t really know what to expect…

2 years ago

20 Mistakes Every First Year Makes At Newcastle University

So you've finally flown the nest and made it to university, and what better choice than Newcastle? Where else can you…

2 years ago

10 Study Tips For The Stressed Out Uni Student

I've never met a single person that actually enjoys studying, but it's just something that we all have to do in life…

2 years ago

15 Cute Bedroom Ideas Perfect For Your Uni Flat

Your uni bedroom should be your safe space, and a place to show off to your friends or significant other(s).…

2 years ago

5 Cleaning Tips To Make Your Room Feel Brand New

Sometimes cleaning your room can be the most cathartic and satisfying feelings. Here are some cleaning tips that make all…

2 years ago

10 Signs You’re Actually A Disney Princess Trapped In A Student Body

How relatable are the struggles of a Disney Princess? Answer: way too relatable, especially if you're living that hashtag broke…

2 years ago

Here’s Everything A First Year University Student Needs To Be Prepared For

You probably think you’ve got a good idea of what to expect when you start as a first year university…

2 years ago