Student. Being a student means you have to deal with tons of studying struggles already. Especially when you are a…
Anxiety sucks wherever you are, but for a lot of people, starting uni can make things even more difficult. The…
Being a student at Manchester metropolitan definitely isn't boring, whether you live on campus or at home or somewhere else…
I decided to write a letter to my future self as a graduating student. I hope that, whether you are…
There are endless ways you can prank your housemates, if you're feeling daring. Perhaps they've wound you up recently and you…
Being a student is not a luxurious lifestyle. Everyone knows this. But don’t let your drooping financial status hinder you…
It’s hard to get your room to look nice when you’re in your early twenties – especially when you’re still…
As wonderful as it sounds, being a student isn't always partying and going to gigs. Unlike some, we don't have…
The exams period is probably hands down one of the hardest experiences -you want it to be over before it…
Sometimes uni can become overwhelming and you just need to let it all out. Well, here are 10 of the…