
Being a third year is when things get tougher and the work load gets larger. If your a third year student you will totally understand these struggles.
The Struggles Every Third Year Will Totally Understand

Don’t get me wrong, university are the best years of your life, there’s no doubt…

If you're wondering how to motivate yourself to study, then these are the best ways to do it! It's not hard once you're in the groove of things - which is why you getting over the hump is the most important step!
The Tips And Tricks Of How To Motivate Yourself To Study

Procrastination is the worst, you know you need to study but you just can’t seem…

College textbooks can be extremely costly, so why not get a used one? Here are 10 Reasons Used College Textbooks Are Better.
10 Reasons Used College Textbooks Are Better

IT’s coming around to that time of year again. Your either starting or going back…

Tips On How To Write A Term Paper That Will Guarantee You Pass
Tips On How To Write A Term Paper That Will Guarantee You Pass

With the beginning of the new semester starting most students are starting to feel anxious…

This is the uni graduation checklist you need in order to be ready for commencement! University graduation is no joke and you want to do it right, so here are the universal rules.
Our Uni Graduation Checklist: How To Be Prepared

So you’ve spent the last couple of years getting pissed, broke and stressed out of…

Top Tips For Achieving Your Best Marks At School

With the back to school season fast approaching (sadly!!!) you might be wondering how you…

We all know that a laptop is essential when it comes to your list of things to get for Uni. However, by getting a Chromebook for students your budget might be a little better off. Check our these reasons why we think Chromebooks are essential!
How To Save Money By Getting A Chromebook For Students

As a student you will want to get yourself a laptop for multiple reasons, the…

If you're an English Literature major then you will know it's a tricky subject with many struggles but also many great things... here are just a few.
10 Things You’ll Only Understand If You’re An English Literature Major

Now some may think that a degree in English Literature is easy. Those people obviously…

We can all feel a little stressed and overwhelmed when it comes to studying for exams, here are 10 GIFs that are just far too relatable around exam time!
10 GIFs That Are Too Relatable When You’re Stressing About Exams

Feeling stressed about exams? Oh yeah, we’ve all been there! Whether it’s in school, university,…

10 Tips To Manage Studying And Life In General

Juggling your studies and life itself is even tougher. It requires a healthy amount of…