
If you're a full time student dealing with a part time job, it can be a lot to manage. Here's how to balance your work life, studies, and social life all in one!
How To Balance Being A Full Time Student With A Part Time Job

With the maintenance loan more often than none failing to cover the cost of living…

Syllabus Week: Survival101
Syllabus Week: Survival 101

Syllabus week is always a drag. Always has been, always will be. But unfortunately, it’s…

Here are some great revision hacks and tricks that will hopefully make exam season easier to get through - you're welcome, guys!
8 Great Revision Hacks Every Student Should Know

The hardest thing about revision is probably starting, but having a strong game plan might…

Heading back to campus in Fall 2018? Take a look at these great laptops for uni students! They are both affordable and dependable.
We Found The Best Laptops For Uni Students This Year

To think that 25 years ago students wouldn’t have their own laptops is a mind…

Ready to kick a** and have the best semester of your uni career? These are our tips to prepare for a successful academic semester.
How To Prepare For A Successful Academic Semester

Preparation is key for anything in life, but especially when it comes to academics. With…

The UK Education system is something that everyone needs to go through. However, how well does it actually prepare you for real life?
The Best Revision Tips To Get You Through Exams

Exams are here and it’s safe to say we’re all freaking out. Too much too…

If you're not careful, you might just miss some university subjects you're required to do for your university degree. Here's a few tips and tricks!
How To Plan Your Subjects For Your University Degree

When you enter university, the first thing that will hit you in the face are…

Being a third year is when things get tougher and the work load gets larger. If your a third year student you will totally understand these struggles.
The Struggles Every Third Year Will Totally Understand

Don’t get me wrong, university are the best years of your life, there’s no doubt…

If you're wondering how to motivate yourself to study, then these are the best ways to do it! It's not hard once you're in the groove of things - which is why you getting over the hump is the most important step!
The Tips And Tricks Of How To Motivate Yourself To Study

Procrastination is the worst, you know you need to study but you just can’t seem…

College textbooks can be extremely costly, so why not get a used one? Here are 10 Reasons Used College Textbooks Are Better.
10 Reasons Used College Textbooks Are Better

IT’s coming around to that time of year again. Your either starting or going back…