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10 Underestimated Things To Do To Keep The Flame Alive

10 Underestimated Things To Do To Keep The Flame Alive

Keep the fame alive by simply following these 10 suggestions! Try these ideas out to improve your relationship.

Keeping the flame alive can be quite challenging, especially when you feel that everything has been said, and that the once exciting ‘I love you’ sounds now like a ‘hello’. However, there are a lot of ways of keeping  your relationship fresh and lovely! Usually the smallest things have the biggest impact- so don’t underestimate that extra hour in bed on a Sunday morning or breakfast in bed.

Here is our top 10 of underestimated things to – absolutely- do to keep the flame alive.

1. Say Thank You

It might sound rudimental, but saying ‘thank you’ to your partner will make him feel valued and appreciated. It is a nice thing to say after all those years of relationship together and that you’re extra comfortable with each other. Keep the flame alive by demonstrating how grateful you are to share his/her life!


2. Go out on dates…

Going out on dates is not only for new couples, or singletons. Enjoy a night out just like during your honeymoon period – if it ever stopped, that is- and have fun together. What is important to keep in mind is that no matter how long you know each other, people evolve and it is essential to keep knowing the person is the now. Make some time!

3. … or enjoy a quiet night in

Forget work, your daily problems by enjoying a quiet night in. Stay in your cocoon, prepare some nice food and watch a movie. This intimate atmosphere will make you feel closer to your partner.


4. Switch off your phones

iPhone, IPads… Considered as a blessing by some, they nevertheless have an impact on our social life- our real social life. Almost everybody has a virtual doppelgänger whether it is on Facebook, Twitter… social media is great! But it is addictive and people lose progressively the ability to communicate with each other. So, have a break, and switch off your phone!

5. Introduce novelty into your sex life

Sex plays an important, if not a vital part of your relationship. Keep it great by introducing new positions, by experimenting new things together… Your partner is supposed to be your playmate as well, so make the most of it. Put on some sexy lingerie, provoke him, shake things up a little – within limits of course…


6. Take some days off from work

Take some days off, even if it’s to simply chillax at home. It is nice to have some homely routine, and to just enjoy normalcy without the daily stress of work.

See Also

7. Be honest (don’t ever take things for granted)

If your partner does something you like, don’t keep it for yourself thinking that he knows that you like it… it’s silly but if you say it, or compliment him, it will make the difference. It’s always reassuring to hear things said out loud without any ambiguity sometimes. Keep the flame alive by focusing on what you do, but how you do it.


8. Listen more

This is THE  most underestimated quality ever! Maybe because it is obvious, but listening to each other is often put in the background of certain relationships. Talking and communicating is very important indeed, but in order to have a productive talk, listening is compulsory. Listening is everything : remembering, paying attention and showing your partner that you are there for him. You have to trust each other, and be there in moments of happiness, but especially in more sad times as well.

9. Go on holidays (or book a weekend) together

Keeping the flame alive is synonymous with always having a degree of excitement and novelty in your relationship. Get away from your routine, and book a weekend out of the city or even the country. Do a sort of ‘just the 2 of us’ gateway.

10. Spend some time apart

Ok. This might sound mad, but absence makes the heart grow fonder in certain cases. The thing is that it is not very interesting to do everything with your partner all the time – except if he is your soulmate of course: it’s cool to have your own space. It is obviously not an issue if you live separately as you by definition lead separate lives. However, having your own space does not mean being selfish and hiding stuff. Love is supposed to be selfless – when it is real, that is.


What Would You Do To Keep The Flame Alive? Let Us Know In The Comment Section Below!

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