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The Ultimate DMU Bucket List

The Ultimate DMU Bucket List

University is supposed to be the most memorable years of your life. One way to make sure you make it that way is by checking this Ultimate DMU Bucket List!

People say that university is supposed to be the most memorable years of your life. It won’t be so memorable if all you do is slump around in your room through it all. The whole point is to live this part of your life to the fullest. One way to make sure you do this is by checking this Ultimate DMU Bucket List! Keep reading for the Ultimate De Montfort University bucket list!

1. Take many, many trips to HighCross.

Go visit HighCross shopping Centre and take a look at the variety of stores available. Maybe buy a couple of clothes and after treat yourself to a Krispy Kreme donut. Also, don’t forget to use your student discount in these stores too.


2. Actually, make sure you use that student discount for all that you can, while you can…

It doesn’t hurt anyone if you ask stores if they do a student discount even if it’s 10% or 20% it’s worth it!! Don’t forget to sign up to Unidays it is completely free.



3. Join as many societies as you can.

At DMU there are many societies you can choose from and if you do choose one, two or even more you are likely to make a lot of friends and go to many socials.

4. Revise at Bede Park.

During exam season it’s quite sunny, so why not take a book and ring up a friend to come study with you at Bede park. After studying you can even have a little lunch or a cheeky ice cream.


5. Take a late night walk to Tesco with your mates.

When you’re starving at unholy hours just call up your mates and take a trip to Tesco and buy a couple of snacks or whatever you fancy.


6. Visit A Shisha lounge.

In Leicester there are many shisha lounges and there are a couple close to campus (Buddha Lounge). These lounges are great places to invite your friends from DMU and socialise.


7. Take full advantage of the different gyms around DMU!

There are different gyms around DMU which students can go to and have discount on memberships like Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Leisure Centre has great deals for gym and swimming.

See Also
Take a look at these funny and relatable GIFS that represent being a student at university these days. Funny and true, you will love them!



8. Order that cheeky takeaway. Who cares?

Sometimes studying at DMU makes you a little too lazy to cook- don’t worry you can call up the specific takeaway you’re craving. If your mate next door is feeling a bit lazy and also wants to munch on takeaway you guys can order together!!


9. Seek out the best secret study spots.

Take numerous trips to all the study areas around campus like Kimberlin Library & Eric Wood to see which place you are able to study best.

10. Apply for opportunities via Gateway and DMU Global.

The Gateway and DMU Global are programmes where DMU students like you can apply for work placements (some international), internships, and some other opportunities like part time relevant to your degree.


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