The Typical Day of A London South Bank University Student

Being a LSBU student requires a perfect balance between school and other things. Here’s what a typical day as a student at London South Bank University is all about.
If you want to know how an LSBU student wakes up I can tell you. Drunk. Drinking in the flat, turns to aimlessly searching central London for a free club to get into, which turns into getting the 176 at 4am when you have to be up for a 10am lecture the same day. The only thing you can do is down that coffee like you downed that pint of vodka red bull the previous night.
After tumbling out of bed, throwing on clothes that are somewhat presentable, and stumbling down the road to your lecture hall it’s time to pick a seat. The only feasible place is right at the back. Away from the prying eyes of your lecturer who is bound to ask too many annoying questions that you don’t know the answer to, and away from the rest of the class who want to know exactly what happened to you last night. Even your best friends get little than a grunt out of you before your helplessly sliding into your seat, and into 3 hours of hell.
But after an hour and a half the sweet sound of a break is being announced. 10 minutes is what is agreed on- but what’s really the difference between 10 minutes and 30 minutes? And who can really blame you for taking that extra time out when your eyes are heavier than the weight of a one night stand who won’t leave the room, and the caffeine calling your name is louder than the cries of your bed to come home. Half the class have already migrated to the smoking area anyway to huddle around lighters in search of heat, so why not enjoy the warmth of your coffee a little longer?
After another painful hour of pretending to write down notes, and promising yourself that this is the absolute last time you will EVER go out when you have a 10am lecture the following day, you are set free. Free to walk the 5 minutes back to McLaren House and back to your bed. A nap is definitely on the cards, and you deserve it after turning up to that lecture after the night you had.
Stirring from sleep there is only one thing on your mind- food. In true uni fashion, where everyone is a kitchen connoisseur, the choice is a chicken wrap or noodles. The chicken wrap always wins. And while you’re waiting that agonising 20 minutes for the chicken to cook there is nothing better to do than to gather all your flatmates around the kitchen table and piece together what exactly you got up to the night before. Obviously over a bottle of wine. Each.
A bottle of wine and a delectable chicken wrap later and you find yourself back in your room. The latest Spotify party playlist is on and you are layering on that makeup before putting on your skimpiest skirt and lowest top. That reminiscing over last night gave you major party vibes so of course you’re going out again.
A bottle of vodka, and several raucous rounds of ring of fire and never have I ever later, and you find yourself back stumbling through central London looking for a free club again. You know the 176 will be your knight in red paint armour tonight, but that 10am lecture tomorrow is completely forgotten about. Will we ever learn?!
What does your day look like compared to a student at London South Bank University? Comment below!
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"Hey there, my name is Isla and I am a quirky little thing from London. I am an avid lover of music, fashion, films, and drag queens. I am currently studying journalism at London South Bank University while attempting to maintain a social life- if you have any tips for that send them my way... I hope you like my writing and I look forward to entertaining you with my stories in the future."