12 Types Of People You’ll Run Into When In Chennai

Chennai is a vibrant city brimming with culture and tradition. But what makes the city come alive are its people. Passionate, loud, loving; the people of Chennai are the heart and soul of the city steeped in rich history. Here are 12 types of people you’ll run into when in Chennai.
1. The nightlife enthusiast
In Chennai, a city with steep alcohol pricing, pub/club culture isn’t all that popular. The areas, the crowds, the safety, none of it is the best in the city. But you’ll always come across a person who loves a good night out. Regardless of all the reasons not to love a night out in Chennai, you’ll meet someone who is incredibly and endlessly enthusiastic about the city’s not-so-great nightlife.
2. The historian
The city, as mentioned earlier has a rich history- whether culturally, socio-economically or politically. So you’re sure to come across at least one person who is invested in keeping extensive track of this history. The historian is a great person to befriend whether you’re looking to write an essay on the city or even if you’re just looking to be more informed. This is one of the types of people you will run into when in Chennai.
3. The beach bae
Chennai is known for its beaches. Beaches are a way of life in this coastal city. So it’s not surprising at all that beach lovers are one of the most common types of people you’ll run into in the city. These lovely people come alive as they stand on shores, waves lapping at their feet. They also make for great company if you plan a day out because they’ll know the best-even hidden-spots at the sandy haven they call a second home.
4. The tourist
There’s a lot to see within the city if you look for it. The locals often take most of it for granted, but if you come across someone- most often with cameras around their necks, decked out in casual, culture-appropriate clothing- buzzing around the popular spots in the city, chances are you’ve just run into the tourist. Either from another state, or sometimes another country, they are interested in everything they see and the enthusiasm they display for the city is the best thing in the world! This is one of the types of people you will run into when in Chennai.
5. The north export
Chennai is home to people from across the country. The north export is a generalisation of those people that live outside of the quadrilateral of southern states; which includes Chennai. This person often living in the city either for studies or work, struggle with language and cultural barriers but often begin to think of the city as home once they settle in.
6. The hometowner
In contrast to the exports, these are the people who’ve lived their entire lives in the city. From schooling to university, to work and more, their entire lives have been made and lived in the city. Up until two years, this was me. This is one of the types of people you will run into when in Chennai.
7. The political expert
Chennai is a city with a long line of historic politics. I have personally never been into the city’s politics, but you’d be hard pressed not to pick out at least one person from a crowd who isn’t inclined or interested in the politics of the state of Tamil Nadu.
8. The moviegoers
Whether offerings from the ever-popular Kollywood superstars Rajnikanth and Kamal Hassan to the youth icon Vijay, the city’s cinemas are brimming with people excited for the next fresh release. So if you’re in Chennai, of course, you’ll run into the moviegoer; in line for the first day first show. This is one of the types of people you will run into when in Chennai.
9. The diehards
Whether it be politics or films, the people of Chennai are extremely passionate. These diehards would give everything to the person they support. They can be quite boisterous and hard to control sometimes, but it’s clear that these sometimes not advisable actions stem from a place of love and support.
10. The foodie
The city has a lot to offer when it comes to food. Whether it be the iconic chain of Saravana Bhavan or more hip cafes or even street food joints, there’s always something to tingle those taste buds. If you’re into food, the foodie is your best friend in the city. They know the best spots, the best menus and more. You’ll never go hungry in the city with a foodie friend. This is one of the types of people you will run into when in Chennai.
11. The fit-me-nots
A variant of the north exports, these are the people who are in the city for the purposes of studying or a job. They feel like an outsider and seem unable to fit in owing to various barriers as well as an underlying homesickness. They often get used to things, find friends and settle in soon enough though.
12. The city lover
This person is a combination of one or more or sometimes all of the other people. It’s a person who despite whatever shortcomings the city may have, proudly and lovingly call it home.