8 Trending Health Foods You Should Add To Your Diet

In 2018, not only is it important to care about what food you’re putting in your body, it’s also trendy to be eating healthy. With the rise of veganism and meat free lifestyles, there has been an influx of dairy-free, gluten-free, meat-free foods that will suit whatever dietary requirements you have. With so much in the market, it’s overwhelming the amount of choice we have. So I’ve made it easier for you, and made a list of the best trending health foods to try in 2018.
Fermented Foods
It’s now fashionable to be looking after your gut! Fermented goods like Kimchi and Miso seem to be the new craze, and the probiotics in them will help you sustain a happy gut.
Poke Bowls
Acai bowls are out, and the new Poke bowls are in. Poke (pronounced POH-keh) bowls are raw fish salads (usually tuna) which are sliced and diced and served with vegetables. The Hawaiian dish has become increasingly popular, especially with the rice of Japanese cuisine and raw fish. Why not try this Poke bowl with avocado recipe to ease you into this new trend.
Turmeric Tea
We used to obsess over green tea, expecting that, after one cup, we’d look glowing and radiant. Well now, the next tea we’ll be chugging back is Turmeric tea. Turmeric tea is a plant of the ginger family, and is popular for its anti-inflammatory qualities and it’s abilities to help decrease congestion. Along with its amazing health qualities, it tastes great too!
Meat Free Meat
While we’ve had meat free options before, now with the rise of veganism there are more and more options in what meat free meats you can get. Now you can even get meat free fish, with these Mini Crabless Cakes from Gardein which are completely vegan and dairy free and delicious.
Eating Raw
Along with new food trends come new food diets, and a popular near diet and lifestyle is eating raw foods. This means that you are eating foods that haven’t been canned, refined or chemically processed and hasn’t been heated over 48 degrees. The idea that you are helping your body from not having to make any more enzymes to break down our food, which is killed in food when they are cooked. Whether you want to change your lifestyle or just want to try a new way of eating, raw foodism is an interesting way of viewing your foods differently.
This vegetable is one of the new trends of 2018. Being extremely high in Vitamin C, having more vitamin C in it than an orange, this cabbage like vegetable has a mild sweet flavour and can be eaten cooked and raw. Why not replace a turnip with kohlrabi in a lovely warming soup with this recipe.
We’ve always had seaweed as part of sushi and other East Asian meals, but now its popularity has grown because of its sustainability. In 2018, people care about where their food is coming from and if its production is going to affect the planet negatively. Seaweed is therefore perfect because it doesn’t require land, fertilisers or fresh water. This sustainable food will perfectly complement your meals in 2018.
Sparkling Apple Cider Vinegar
A new cold beverage on the market that is full of probiotics is Sparkling Apple Cider Vinegar. Even though it might not sound appetising, Kevita comes in many different flavours and is one of the only fizzy drinks that will be good for you as it helps regulate blood sugar.
Can you think of any more trending health foods that should be on this list?! Let us know down below!
featured image source: weheartit.com
A small town girl living in a big city