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10 Tips When Choosing What College Or University To Apply To

10 Tips When Choosing What College Or University To Apply To

10 Tips When Choosing What College Or University To Apply To

Choosing a college is an important and often life changing decision many people have to face each year. Here we will discuss the important things to take into consideration and what choices to make pertaining to deciding what college you would like to enroll in.

What Subject You Would Like To Study

It is imperative to choose a subject that you expect to enjoy doing for the next three years or more. It is important to be realistic with your decision – make sure to consider if you have true expectations of completing a degree in this subject.


Attending An Open Day

One of the most important parts with applying for a course is to attend an open day to get a first-hand look at the institute. Open days are useful for those who want an insight into what the college or university is like. They often provide workshops and have subject specialists and current students on hand to answer any questions.

Position in the League Tables

Whether or not you feel it is important to check the league tables, it is useful to compare universities, see where they rank on a particular subject and to see the degree completion statistics. You can find information about U.K. universities on the Complete University Guide website.

Research The Course Details

Finding out how your grades will be assessed is an important predecessor to enrolling on the course. Some colleges have different grading systems and it might be useful to choose one that suits your learning style.


Research Your Lecturers

Research the lecturers specialist interests and their expertise in the universities you apply to. This is especially useful as it may make you more inclined to choose one particular institution over another depending on your own interests. Plus it is never too early to consider a supervisor for your final year dissertation.

Apply For Available Scholarships

Colleges and universities often have a wide range of scholarships that they make available each year. The cost of education can be high; even if these scholarships are worth less than the course costs it is still useful to decrease the overall amount of your tuition fees. Remember to apply early and check eligibility requirements.

Choosing A Location

For some people, their choices of colleges or universities can depend on where the institute is situated. Circumstances such as work commitments, living conditions, family-ties, etc can prevent students from applying to universities outside of their hometown. On the other hand, some people may want to move to a particular town or city. It might be necessary for you to consider where you would like to live beforehand.


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Choosing a Campus & Accommodation

Similar to the previous point, choosing what type of campus and the accommodation you would like to live in is important as it will affect where you are situated while studying. This will largely depend on your own preferences: some people will prefer a rural campus while others may be attracted to a city campus. You may be happy living at home with your parents or already have accommodation that suits you more than living in student halls.


Consider Employment Prospects

Some courses, such as psychology or medicine, naturally result in you entering employment after it’s completion. Others are less likely to secure you a high-paying job and you may even find yourself working in an entry-level position within a sector that is completely irrelevant to the subject. It may be in your best interests to consider the employment prospects or your course and to see if the college or university has any links to the industry you would like to enter.

Look Into Available Support Networks

Most colleges and universities have student support departments that offer confidential counselling, student welfare guidance and careers advise services. If you have any preexisting issues, it might be a good idea to check that the college or university can offer you the support you might need.

We hope you found these tips useful in choosing a college or university this year. Please let us know in the comments what you found useful and how everything goes with your application!

Feature Image Source: Photo by Vasily Koloda on Unsplash