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10 Tips To Make Moving Into Your Halls Easier

10 Tips To Make Moving Into Your Halls Easier

Are you moving into your halls soon? If so, these are the needed tips on how to do it, and make the process a whole lot easier.

Moving into your university halls for the first time can be daunting. You want everything to go well, you want to get on with your new flatmates, you want your mum to leave as quickly as possible; so she doesn’t cramp your style, it’s got to be perfect. So here are 10 tips to make moving into your halls easier.

1. Buy Some Boxes

Boxes are super useful when packing. You can put your belongings in them whilst at home and take them out again when at university. They’re also recyclable which will show your new flatmates that you are oh-so conscious about the environment. This is by far one of the best tips to make moving into your halls easier!

2. Little Hello Gifts Go a Long Way With New Flatmates

One cute way to say hello is with nice food. Whilst mummy is away on that business trip to Japan, ask her to bring you back some fun candies and sweet treats. Similarly, if you’ve got the time, you could just pop across the channel to Paris and buy some Macaroons for everyone. I’m sure they’ll go down a storm!


3. Make Sure You Take Your Mummy’s Nice Big Car, The Jag Is Only for Special Occasions Anyway

Obviously, if you have your own car it’s better to show up in that and show how much you don’t need mummy. But if you’re still relying on the old Range Rover, make sure mummy brings that. You could bring the jag, but the boot space is deplorable. You will be able to bring so much more gear! There is no point being economical with space at university, everyone knows the bedrooms are huge!

4. If You Have A Lot of Belongings, A Moving Truck Might Do the Job Better

Of course, if daddy needs the range rover that day to play golf with his friends, you might be better off just using a moving truck. That way, the lovely team who come with the truck will load and unload the boxes for you and you can drive down in style – you might even be able to stop off for a Starbucks on the way, just to make sure you arrive in perfect fashion. This is one of the best tips for moving into your halls!

5. Paying a Specialist Team to Help You Pack and Unpack Will Save Your Back

Back pain is a real issue and anything to avoid causing it should be immediately. For this reason, it is imperative that you should use a company to pack, box up, and unpack your belongs for you. Every other student does it. Why would you be any different?


6. Ensure You Exploit Your Parents into Buying You a Food Shop

That first food shop at university can be expensive, you need all of the basics like stock cubes and fois gras as well as the normal weekly supplies. So getting your parents to buy you this first shop is highly beneficial to you. They can buy you all of the home comforts that you might not otherwise be able to have as frequently as you might like.

7. Buy Some Sharpies and Stickers

This way, you can label your food and ensure that none of your flatmates thieve it. You can even draw markers on your milk to make sure that no one is having a coffee at your expense. Similarly, most university kitchens allow you to padlock your cupboards, this will ensure that your Brie stays yours.

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8. Buy Some Political or Intelligent Posters to Make Yourself Look Interesting

You want to be the talk of your flat. Make sure they know how interesting you are by buying posters and decorating your room to show that. You can get posters of literature and philosophy, that way they know you’re deep and intellectual. If you also get a decorative wall hanging with elephants, it shows that you’re cultural and then you can tell everyone about your gap year to Thailand. This is one of the best moving into your halls tips!


9. Bring A Door-wedge To Show Your New Housemates That You Are Inviting

This way you can have an open door policy and let your new housemates know that you are really open and free with your space. Just be sure that the door can also lock, you don’t want them in your room all of the time – you need some peace and quiet for your meditations.


10. Have A Mini-Fridge in Your Room, Fully Stocked With Exotic Alcohols

This way you can always be ready should the mood take you to party. If you’ve got cool and exciting alcohol on hand, your new flatmates will think the world of you. Just make sure that the Moet is chilled when you arrive, nothing ruins a welcome party like warm and flat bubbly.

If you have any more tips on how to make moving into your halls easier, let us know in the comments below!

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