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5 Tips To Get The Perfect Shave Down There

5 Tips To Get The Perfect Shave Down There

5 Tips To Get The Perfect Shave Down There

The perfect shave is a common dream. It is not news that the best way to get rid of pubic hair is through laser, but the sessions are way too out of your budget and it frightens you a little the side effects it could have in the future.

You have tried other options like waxing but the pain is too much to handle every month and you are also spending a lot of money on it. So you go back to the old razor days. The problem is that, no matter what you do, the razor burns still continue, and even after that you don’t get a smooth soft taco.

These 5 tips will help before, during and after to get that perfect shave that you have been always looking for without spending a fortune.


1. Pre-shave your “dreadlocks”

If you haven’t shaved in a long while and got dreadlocks or lion’s king hair down there, then is best to trim your hair with scissors before starting with the razor. Just trim the excess hair and leave a few centimeters for the razor.

2. Shower With Warm Water

The warm water will soften the hair follicle which will result in a really close shave. At the same time, it will open up any clogged pores to prevent ingrown hair or razor burn.

Be careful with the temperature of the water, it has to be warm enough that you can stay under it, not hot till you roast your skin. If the water is too hot, it can result in the opposite of all the good things that it should do to you.


3. Exfoliate the area

Exfoliating the area beforehand can make a HUGE difference! Get a gentle scrub and massage the area: this will remove the dead cells leaving the skin fresh and healthy so that the razor can do its job, and it will also prevent ingrown hair.

You can also use a washcloth or a loofah if you don’t have any exfoliating cream. If you decide to buy one, make sure its components are made for you to use it down there.

4. Apply Shaving Cream Or Oil

Fragrance-free shaving cream or oil will prep and smooth the area for you right before shaving and will help the razor to glide gently. The result with both products will be the same but the razor cleaning process will be more tedious depending on which product you use.

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Shaving cream goes off of the razor with warm water but the oil could be harder to remove. You might need to use some cotton with alcohol and take your time to clean it properly.

After your skin is ready, you can go ahead and start shaving with small strokes. With one hand pull the skin taut and with the other shave (this will help you make direct contact). Shave in the hair growth direction and then against the grain.


5. Moisturize Your Skin After

This is a very important and crucial step that you can’t forget. You must ALWAYS moisturize your skin after you’ve shaved. You can use coconut oil or a fragrance-free lotion like baby oil.

You must have a safe shaving routine and be gentle when it comes to down there, otherwise, you could damage your skin or even lead to an infection. These steps are a guide to help you but you can always experiment and see what works best for you.

What other tips do you know to get a perfect shave? Share them with us in the comments below!

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