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12 Tips To Get Over A Crush You Can’t Get Out Of Your Head

12 Tips To Get Over A Crush You Can’t Get Out Of Your Head

It can be difficult to get over a crush, so here are 12 tips to move on with your life and finally get them out of your head!

Having a crush can be hard, especially if it is has been long-lasting and is never going to go anywhere. It can make you sad, take up all of your thoughts, and make you feel bad about yourself. Here are 12 tips To Get Over A Crush.

1. Make A Move

If you haven’t defined the possibility of a relationship yet, make a move. The worst case scenario is rejection, and at least then you’ll get closure. This will help you To Get Over A Crush.

2. Unfollow Them

Another way To Get Over A Crush is to unfollow them on social media. That way you’ll avoid seeing their face and seeing them enjoying themselves. Social media can be evil in this sense, leading to FOMO and intense jealousy and bad feelings.


3. Avoid Them

Generally avoiding spending time with them will enable you to focus on other things, and you won’t be constantly reminded of them. Don’t do so at the detriment of your own social relationships, but it will help you to forget at To Get Over A Crush.

4. Pick Up A New Hobby

Put your energy into learning a new hobby. You’ll be entertained and your thoughts will be otherwise occupied, rather than taken up by them.

5. Spend More Time With Friends

Make yourself busy with friends. Go on day trips, have fun, you’ll soon find that you’re thinking of your crush far less.


6. Focus On You

Take the time to focus on making yourself happy. Often people can begin to base their self-worth on the opinions and attentions of others, particularly romantically. Focus on you and becoming more comfortable with yourself.

7. Date

Another tip To Get Over A Crush is to get back out there into the dating game. Try dating apps, double dating, or just make yourself open to new people. Meeting and getting to know new people will help take your original crush off your mind.

8. Cons List

If things are getting really tough and you need drastic measures, list all the reasons your crush might not be the right person for you, their negative attributes, and why you wouldn’t work together in a relationship. You’ll stop thinking about them in such a positive light and will eventually begin to get over them.

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9. Take A Break

Go on a short break or holiday, relax for a few days, and come back with a fresh mindset and outlook on the situation. Organise your priorities, and you’ll soon find that your crush falls low on the list.

10. Friends And Family

Another way To Get Over A Crush is to remind yourself of the people who matter in your life. Remember your friends and family who always have and will be there, and fall back on them if you need to.


11. Just Friends

Spending time with your crush as just friends can help change the way you view the and change your general outlook on the situation. You may find you prefer them as a friend, and that your feelings were just general feelings of wanting them around.

12. Talk It Out

Get your feelings out, cry, rant. Find someone to talk to and get all of your thoughts of your chest, you’ll soon find that you’re feeling better.

Getting over a crush can be hard, but here are 12 tips to get over them. Let us know in the comments if you have ever had a situation like this and what tips you used.
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