Uni Life

8 Tips For Students Looking At Universities

University, a place for self discovery and your first real taste of freedom, you just need to be sure that you pick the right one for you! There are so many decisions that go into choosing a University and here are 8 tips for those that are looking to make a choice this year!

1. Make Sure You Are Ready To Go To University

We are often told that going to University is a decision that you have to make straight out of School or  College, however this is not true. Many people are lucky enough to know what they want to do when they are in secondary education but also many don’t! If you think you are not ready straight from education then take the time out to decide what you really want to do! You can look into foundation years or even doing a year’s work in the industry to help you decide if your passion is what you want to pursue. Many young adults are choosing to take this time out for themselves and are coming back stronger than ever to invest their time. However, if you are set on a subject then go for it, you will make that industry a better place!

2. Look At The Course Content That Excites You Most

The thing that most teenagers forget to look at it course content, one of the most important parts of going to University. Decide what aspects of your subject that you enjoy, for example is you wanted to study English Literature because you like writing, then look for one heavily weighted in Creative Writing! The course content is what you will have to invest all your energy and passion into, so the more you enjoy it the easier it will be!

3. Find Out What The Town/City Is Like

It is really important to take a trip to the places that you are looking for University, and look at the pros and cons of the City. If you like busy cities then start looking at places like London, Manchester and Birmingham, and if you like quieter surroundings look at smaller University towns like Oxford and Cambridge. If you are going to be spending 3+ years in this place then it is a good sign if you feel at home there!

4. If You Like Nightlife…Explore it!

The nightlife will be instrumental to your time at University so it is a good idea to look at reviews and clubs in the surrounding areas! Have a look at student reviews, Instagram posts and student night offers and see what appeals to you!

5. Will It Take You Where You Want To Go?

University is all about progression, taking you that next step to where you want to go! Put into reality where the course will take you, whether that is onto a Masters/PhD course, or onto full time work. It is really important that the course will progress your skillset and refine your working habits, the right course will help you grow as a person!

6. Is It Close/Far Enough Away From Home?

Some students can’t wait to build a life for themselves far away from home, whereas other students will want the comforts of home a bit closer to hand. If you enjoy visiting home for the weekends then look at Universities less than an hour away from your hometown, it might be nice to visit every so often and do your washing! If you want to build a life away from home then have a look at somewhere where you can build your own identity, something that is truly yours.

7. Will You Meet The Requirements?

One of the most stressful things about applying, the entry requirements! Match your current grades to the Universities that you are applying for, so that it is a realistic place for you to go to. This means that you can plan for that University that is likely, and start to look at accommodation and bursaries. If you want to, you can apply for a course that is slightly higher than your current grades in hope that they might accept you on results day!

8. Be Sure It Is Perfect For YOU! Follow Your Gut Feeling!

Sure you can be advised from parents, colleagues or friends, but the true decision is down to YOU! If you have a gut feeling for somewhere then follow it, it might be leading you to great things. In the end you are the one who will have to spend 3+ years there and put in the work, so it might as well be somewhere that you love and want to spend time at!

Have any other tips for those looking at University? Leave a comment below!

Featured Image Source: www.pinterest.com
Amber Rose Hendriksen

Currently a University student at Oxford Brookes. Also a Writer, Photographer and Intern!

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